Monthly Log 2016. 5.
### May 2016
#### 2016-05-29 Multithreading improvements, Material hot reloading, Shader sharing etc...
* Engine
* Core Layer
* FBCommonHeaders
* ValidCStringLength() function's name changed to ValidCString() and
optimized not to check all the length of the string.
* Added template class LockQueue. Since smart pointers cannot be used
with LockFreeQueue, LockQueue is needed.
* For LockFreeQueue the template type T muse have
* a copy constructor
* a trivial assignment operator
* a trivial destructor
* LockQueue doesn't have these restrictions.
* Fixed a bug in GenericListener destructor
* Added template class QuadNode
* Added RAII type guard for SpinLock, struct EnterSpinLock
* FBDebugLib
* Logger now can take any length of string and multithread safe.
* FBStringLib
* Added functions
* std::wstring AnsiToWideMT(const char* source) : Safe for
* std::string ToUpperCase(const char* sz)
* bool EndsWith(const std::string& str, const char* pattern, bool
* Split(...) now generate empty strings for consecutive delimiters.
Split("aa,,,aa") -> {"aa", "", "", "aa"}
* int StringConverter::ParseInt(const TString& val, int defaultValue)
now can parse hexa value. It should start with '0x'
* FBFileSystem
* Supports resource paths - for more detail, refer to (It's Korean.)
* File::IsAbsolute() is added
* File::LoadBinary() is removed. Instead File::ReadBinary() is added and
it uses FileSystem::ReadBinaryFile() internally
* FileSystem::Exists() now handles exception cases for example
'permission denied'.
* Added funcions(Resource path related functions are not included)
* FileSystem::RemoveAll() : remove all files in a folder recursively.
* FileSystem::bool WriteTextFile(const char* path, const char* data,
size_t length) : Write ascii file
* std::string GetFirstDirectory(const char* path) : Return the first
starting directory. ex) myfolder/anotherfolder/myfile.txt -> myfolder
* FileSystem::File::Reset(const char* path, const char* mode) : Close
the current file and reopen another one.
* FBMathLib
* Color ramp interpolation method has changed to put some gradient area
between color bars.
* Frustum
* Frustum now support orthogonal.
* void Frustum::_Validate() : Debug function to validte the Frustum
* std::vector<Vec3> Frustum::ToPoints() const : Getting 8 corner points
* GeomUtils::CreateSphere(Real radius, int nRings, int nSegments,
Vec3::Array& pos, std::vector<unsigned short>& index) now generate
triangle strip indexed mesh.
* Added template class InterpolateWrap and class InterpolateWrapManager
* InterpolateWrap wraps a value(like Real or Vec3 etc...) and
interpolates to the dest value with a given duration.
* Good example for using this class is for smooth moving of camera.
* Added class NoiseGen : Generate 1d and 3d noise for now. 2d is going
to be added.
* Vec3 Plane::ProjectPoint(const Vec3& p) const is added.
* Serialization method for math classes is changed.
* Previous : Vec3().write(std::stream&)
* Now : write(std::stream&, const Vec3&)
* Added functions in class Transformation
* Frustum Transformation::ApplyForward(const Frustum& f) const
* Plane Transformation::ApplyInverse(const Plane& inputPlane) const
* Frustum Transformation::ApplyInverse(const Frustum& f) const
* Added class Vec3d : internal data type is double.
* FBNetwork
* const ByteArray& Connection::GetStringBuffer() function added : This
function will append null character at the end of the retrieved data.
* FBFileMonitor
* Support codes for resource paths
* FBThread
* This month the Task system(Task Scheduler) is intensively tested and
fixed most bugs. Now it seems stable.
* FBThread now became a dll project. Previously it was a library. Name
is also changed to 'FBThread' from 'FBThreadLib'.
* This modification is for sharing the same task scheduler across all
other binary projects. Calling TaskScheduler::GetInstance() will give
you the main TaskScheduler.
* You can still create several TaskScheduler if you need to do. In this
case you need to keep the TaskScheduler pointer from the factory
function TaskScheduler::Create(...)
* Fixed bugs on FB_READ_WRITE_CS
* Added class Invoker
* This object can be used for invoking a functor(or lambda expression)
in the main thread after a task in another thread is done.
* Invoker::InvokeAtStart(functor or lambda)
* Registered functors will be executed in the main thread at the end of
the frame.
* TaskScheduler improvements
* Removed unnecessary calls for SliceSchedule()
* Task Queue is now using LockQueue. Previously it was using
LockFreeQueue but crash occured rarely because the usage condition for
LockFreeQueue was not met.
* Added functions
* bool TaskScheduler::IsFull() const;
* bool TaskScheduler::IsHalfFull() const;
* FBTimer
* Now Timer::GetFrame() is thread safe.
* Added Timer::GetPosixTime() const
* Engine Layer
* FBRenderer
* Now supports compute shaders. Cache name: *.cscache
* Shader::RunComputeShader(...)
* Shader::QueueRunComputeShader(...)
* Added seperated shader generation function : CreateVertexShader(),
CreateGeometryShader(), CreatePixelShader() etc...
* This is to support fine grained shader sharing: one vertex shader can
be used with two different pixel shaders.
* Still supporting integrated shader generation : CreateShader()
* Shader hot reloading when the include files are changed. Previously
only changing in main shader file only trigger the reloading.
Include information is cached in *.includes files.
* Now supports Material hot-reloading.
* <MaterialParamter> tag for .material files changed name to
* Now renderer resource paths should consider case. Not ignoring case
* Renderer::CreateTexture(filepath, ...) now recieve the parameter
'struct TextureCreationOption'
* Renderer::CreateTexture(data, ...) now recieve the number of LOD for
the data.
* enum BINDING_SHADER name changed to enum SHADER_TYPE
* Camera
* Camera::Clone() is added for cloning a camera.
* Camera::SetProportionalMove(bool) is added. If true, camera will move
slower at the short distance from the camera target.
* Smooth camera movement using class InterpolateWrap
* Added camera frustum rendering. Use console command : r_renderFrustum
* Added GeometryBuffer for creating simple meshes : now only supports
* GeometryBuffer has only three data memebers : a vertex buffer, a index
buffer and a topology type.
* Added drawing functions
* void Renderer::DrawFrustum(const Frustum& frustum);
* void Renderer::DrawLine(const Vec3& start, const Vec3& end, const
Color& color0, const Color& color1);
* void Renderer::DrawBox(const Vec3::Array& corners, const Color&
* void Renderer::DrawPoints(const Vec3::Array& points, const Color&
* Rendering current axis: use r_renderAxis console command
* Render state stack : make a snapshot of the current render
states(Rasterizer, Blend, DepthStencil)
* void Renderer::PushRenderStates();
* void Renderer::PopRenderStates();
* Added TextureCreationFlag
* TEXTURE_TYPE_1D : generating 1d texture. The height should be 1.
* TEXTURE_TYPE_SECOND_DEVICE : If the texture will be bound to the
second device(now second device is for compute shaders), should specify
this flag.
* FBRendererD3D11
* Added compute shader supports. Cache name: *.cscache
* Shader hot reloading when the include files are changed. Previously
only changing in main shader file only trigger the reloading.
Include information is cached in *.includes files.
* Facade Layer
* FBEngineFacade
* Added support codes for Invokers
* Added support codes for Resource paths
* Before you quit your application you need to call
EngineFacade::PrepareQuit(). This function will clean multi threading
garbages in TaskScheduler or Invoker etc...
* Added lua interface
* int SetEnableUIRenderTarget(lua_State* L)
* Tests
* EngineTest
* Added test for compute shaders.
* Added test for Task and TaskScheduler.
* Added test for Noise generation.
* 390 files changed, 12387 insertions(+), 6889 deletions(-)
#### 2016-05-30
* Game
* Item quality
* Globe integration
* 506 files changed, 4491 insertions(+), 19840 deletions(-)
#### 2016-05-31
* Game
* Weapon items became actors to support item quality.
* 49 files changed, 1250 insertions(+), 913 deletions(-)
#### 2016-05-29 Multithreading improvements, Material hot reloading, Shader sharing etc...
* Engine
* Core Layer
* FBCommonHeaders
* ValidCStringLength() function's name changed to ValidCString() and
optimized not to check all the length of the string.
* Added template class LockQueue. Since smart pointers cannot be used
with LockFreeQueue, LockQueue is needed.
* For LockFreeQueue the template type T muse have
* a copy constructor
* a trivial assignment operator
* a trivial destructor
* LockQueue doesn't have these restrictions.
* Fixed a bug in GenericListener destructor
* Added template class QuadNode
* Added RAII type guard for SpinLock, struct EnterSpinLock
* FBDebugLib
* Logger now can take any length of string and multithread safe.
* FBStringLib
* Added functions
* std::wstring AnsiToWideMT(const char* source) : Safe for
* std::string ToUpperCase(const char* sz)
* bool EndsWith(const std::string& str, const char* pattern, bool
* Split(...) now generate empty strings for consecutive delimiters.
Split("aa,,,aa") -> {"aa", "", "", "aa"}
* int StringConverter::ParseInt(const TString& val, int defaultValue)
now can parse hexa value. It should start with '0x'
* FBFileSystem
* Supports resource paths - for more detail, refer to (It's Korean.)
* File::IsAbsolute() is added
* File::LoadBinary() is removed. Instead File::ReadBinary() is added and
it uses FileSystem::ReadBinaryFile() internally
* FileSystem::Exists() now handles exception cases for example
'permission denied'.
* Added funcions(Resource path related functions are not included)
* FileSystem::RemoveAll() : remove all files in a folder recursively.
* FileSystem::bool WriteTextFile(const char* path, const char* data,
size_t length) : Write ascii file
* std::string GetFirstDirectory(const char* path) : Return the first
starting directory. ex) myfolder/anotherfolder/myfile.txt -> myfolder
* FileSystem::File::Reset(const char* path, const char* mode) : Close
the current file and reopen another one.
* FBMathLib
* Color ramp interpolation method has changed to put some gradient area
between color bars.
* Frustum
* Frustum now support orthogonal.
* void Frustum::_Validate() : Debug function to validte the Frustum
* std::vector<Vec3> Frustum::ToPoints() const : Getting 8 corner points
* GeomUtils::CreateSphere(Real radius, int nRings, int nSegments,
Vec3::Array& pos, std::vector<unsigned short>& index) now generate
triangle strip indexed mesh.
* Added template class InterpolateWrap and class InterpolateWrapManager
* InterpolateWrap wraps a value(like Real or Vec3 etc...) and
interpolates to the dest value with a given duration.
* Good example for using this class is for smooth moving of camera.
* Added class NoiseGen : Generate 1d and 3d noise for now. 2d is going
to be added.
* Vec3 Plane::ProjectPoint(const Vec3& p) const is added.
* Serialization method for math classes is changed.
* Previous : Vec3().write(std::stream&)
* Now : write(std::stream&, const Vec3&)
* Added functions in class Transformation
* Frustum Transformation::ApplyForward(const Frustum& f) const
* Plane Transformation::ApplyInverse(const Plane& inputPlane) const
* Frustum Transformation::ApplyInverse(const Frustum& f) const
* Added class Vec3d : internal data type is double.
* FBNetwork
* const ByteArray& Connection::GetStringBuffer() function added : This
function will append null character at the end of the retrieved data.
* FBFileMonitor
* Support codes for resource paths
* FBThread
* This month the Task system(Task Scheduler) is intensively tested and
fixed most bugs. Now it seems stable.
* FBThread now became a dll project. Previously it was a library. Name
is also changed to 'FBThread' from 'FBThreadLib'.
* This modification is for sharing the same task scheduler across all
other binary projects. Calling TaskScheduler::GetInstance() will give
you the main TaskScheduler.
* You can still create several TaskScheduler if you need to do. In this
case you need to keep the TaskScheduler pointer from the factory
function TaskScheduler::Create(...)
* Fixed bugs on FB_READ_WRITE_CS
* Added class Invoker
* This object can be used for invoking a functor(or lambda expression)
in the main thread after a task in another thread is done.
* Invoker::InvokeAtStart(functor or lambda)
* Registered functors will be executed in the main thread at the end of
the frame.
* TaskScheduler improvements
* Removed unnecessary calls for SliceSchedule()
* Task Queue is now using LockQueue. Previously it was using
LockFreeQueue but crash occured rarely because the usage condition for
LockFreeQueue was not met.
* Added functions
* bool TaskScheduler::IsFull() const;
* bool TaskScheduler::IsHalfFull() const;
* FBTimer
* Now Timer::GetFrame() is thread safe.
* Added Timer::GetPosixTime() const
* Engine Layer
* FBRenderer
* Now supports compute shaders. Cache name: *.cscache
* Shader::RunComputeShader(...)
* Shader::QueueRunComputeShader(...)
* Added seperated shader generation function : CreateVertexShader(),
CreateGeometryShader(), CreatePixelShader() etc...
* This is to support fine grained shader sharing: one vertex shader can
be used with two different pixel shaders.
* Still supporting integrated shader generation : CreateShader()
* Shader hot reloading when the include files are changed. Previously
only changing in main shader file only trigger the reloading.
Include information is cached in *.includes files.
* Now supports Material hot-reloading.
* <MaterialParamter> tag for .material files changed name to
* Now renderer resource paths should consider case. Not ignoring case
* Renderer::CreateTexture(filepath, ...) now recieve the parameter
'struct TextureCreationOption'
* Renderer::CreateTexture(data, ...) now recieve the number of LOD for
the data.
* enum BINDING_SHADER name changed to enum SHADER_TYPE
* Camera
* Camera::Clone() is added for cloning a camera.
* Camera::SetProportionalMove(bool) is added. If true, camera will move
slower at the short distance from the camera target.
* Smooth camera movement using class InterpolateWrap
* Added camera frustum rendering. Use console command : r_renderFrustum
* Added GeometryBuffer for creating simple meshes : now only supports
* GeometryBuffer has only three data memebers : a vertex buffer, a index
buffer and a topology type.
* Added drawing functions
* void Renderer::DrawFrustum(const Frustum& frustum);
* void Renderer::DrawLine(const Vec3& start, const Vec3& end, const
Color& color0, const Color& color1);
* void Renderer::DrawBox(const Vec3::Array& corners, const Color&
* void Renderer::DrawPoints(const Vec3::Array& points, const Color&
* Rendering current axis: use r_renderAxis console command
* Render state stack : make a snapshot of the current render
states(Rasterizer, Blend, DepthStencil)
* void Renderer::PushRenderStates();
* void Renderer::PopRenderStates();
* Added TextureCreationFlag
* TEXTURE_TYPE_1D : generating 1d texture. The height should be 1.
* TEXTURE_TYPE_SECOND_DEVICE : If the texture will be bound to the
second device(now second device is for compute shaders), should specify
this flag.
* FBRendererD3D11
* Added compute shader supports. Cache name: *.cscache
* Shader hot reloading when the include files are changed. Previously
only changing in main shader file only trigger the reloading.
Include information is cached in *.includes files.
* Facade Layer
* FBEngineFacade
* Added support codes for Invokers
* Added support codes for Resource paths
* Before you quit your application you need to call
EngineFacade::PrepareQuit(). This function will clean multi threading
garbages in TaskScheduler or Invoker etc...
* Added lua interface
* int SetEnableUIRenderTarget(lua_State* L)
* Tests
* EngineTest
* Added test for compute shaders.
* Added test for Task and TaskScheduler.
* Added test for Noise generation.
* 390 files changed, 12387 insertions(+), 6889 deletions(-)
#### 2016-05-30
* Game
* Item quality
* Globe integration
* 506 files changed, 4491 insertions(+), 19840 deletions(-)
#### 2016-05-31
* Game
* Weapon items became actors to support item quality.
* 49 files changed, 1250 insertions(+), 913 deletions(-)
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