Monthly Log 2016. 4.
### Apr 2016
#### 2016-04-30
Core Layer
* FBStringLib
* Added BitManipulator
* BigEndian<->LittleEndian
* Data conversion functions
* RealArray ConvertBytesToReals(const ByteArray& source, PODTypes sourceType, Endianness encodeType);
* RealArray ConvertBytesToReals(char* source, size_t size, PODTypes sourceType, Endianness encodeType);
* RealArray ConvertBytesToRealsEndianSwap(char* source, size_t size, PODTypes sourceType);
* Added functions
* void RemoveNewLine(std::string& str);
* void ReplaceCharacter(char* s, const std::string& target, char replace);
* void StripBoth(std::string& str);
* bool StringContainNoCase(const std::string& string, const std::string& find);
* bool EndsWith(const std::string& str, const char* pattern);
* size_t FindLastIndexOf(const char* sz, char c);
* size_t FindLastIndexOf(const char* sz, char c, size_t startIndex);
* std::string SubString(const char* sz, size_t s, size_t e);
* Endianness GetSystemEndianness();
* FBMathLib
* Frustum transforming
* Transform::ApplyForward(...), Transform::ApplyInverse(...) 최적화
* Added
* static Mat33 Mat33::FromAxisAngleStatic(const Vec3& axis, Real radian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromTranslation(const Vec3& translate);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromRotationY(Real rotYRadian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromRotationX(Real rotXRadian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromRotationZ(Real rotZRadian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromAxisAngle(const Vec3& axis, Real radian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromViewLookAt(const Vec3& eye, const Vec3& center, const Vec3& up);
* static Quat Quat::CreateFromAngleAxis(const Real radian, const Vec3& axis);
* Mat44 MakeViewMatrix(const Vec3& eye, const Vec3& center, const Vec3& up);
* Real ComputePerspectiveNearDistance(Real farDistance, Real farResolution, int depthBits);
* Real ComputePerspectiveMaxNearDistance(Real halfFov, Real distantToObj);
* std::vector<Vec3> ComputePrincipalAxes(const Real* coordinates, int numelem, int stride);
* std::pair<Vec3, Vec3> ComputeExtrema(const Vec3* points, int numElem)
* Vec2ITuple Vec2I::ToTuple() const;
* Intersection class
Represents the collision result: collision point, normal, length.
* Changed class names
* Plane3 -> Plane3
* Ray3 -> Ray
* FBFileSystem
* Added functions
* static FILE* FileSystem::OpenFile(const char* path, const char* mode, errno_t* errorNo = 0);
Opne a file with out sharing.
* static FILE* FileSystem::::OpenFileShared(const char* path, const char* mode, SharingMode sharingMode, errno_t* errorNo = 0);
Open a file with the sharing mode specified in sharingMode parameter.
* static FILE* FileSystem::::OpenFileByMode(const char* path, const char* mode, errno_t* errorNo = 0);
When mode has 'r' flag, open with read sharing mode, otherwise no sharing.
* static std::string FileSystem::TempFileName(const char* prefix, const char* suffix);
* static void FileSystem::ReplaceIllegalFileNameCharacters(std::string& filepath);
* static bool FileSystem::CanWrite(const char* filepath);
* static void FileSystem::SetLastModified(const char* filepath);
* static time_t FileSystem::GetLastModified(const char* filepath);
* static std::string FileSystem::FormPath(int n, ...);
* Added class
* FileSystem::Open
* File
* FBNetwork
* Integrated CURL
* URL_FILE *url_fopen(const char *url, const char *operation);
* void url_fclose(URL_FILE *file);
* etc...
* Added
* class Connection
* static class Network
* FBThreadLib
* fixed bug in FB_READ_WRITE_CS
* Added: bool TaskScheduler::IsFull()
* FBTimer
* Fixed bug in class Profiler's hierarchical log writing bug
* TinyXmlLib
* Added XMLHelper
Engine Libraries
* FBRenderer
* equirectangular sky mapping
* Frustum information in class Camera now moved into FBMathLib/Frustum.h
* Added the vertex buffer cache.
* Fixed bug in forced wireframe mode
* VertexBuffer data now can be update with the following buffer if the buffer usage is not Dynamic and Immutable.
* VertexBuffer::UpdateData(void* data)
* FBRendererD3D11
* Fixed: Color/Depth buffer doesn't have pixel format info.
* FBSceneObjectFactory
* MeshObject : Position binding fuction for manual rendering.
* SkySphere : setting .dae mesh.
Facade&Dedicated Layer
* FBPhysics
* Prevent double registering of RigidBody.
* Root component name is also sent to lua event function.
* Fixed a crash in ListBox::ClearItemProperties()
* Fixed a crash in ListBoxDataSet::FindRowIndexWithKey(...)
* Added lua interface : int GetComponentFinalPos(lua_State* L);
* 182 files changed, 6933 insertions(+), 2083 deletions(-)
#### 2016-04-30
Core Layer
* FBStringLib
* Added BitManipulator
* BigEndian<->LittleEndian
* Data conversion functions
* RealArray ConvertBytesToReals(const ByteArray& source, PODTypes sourceType, Endianness encodeType);
* RealArray ConvertBytesToReals(char* source, size_t size, PODTypes sourceType, Endianness encodeType);
* RealArray ConvertBytesToRealsEndianSwap(char* source, size_t size, PODTypes sourceType);
* Added functions
* void RemoveNewLine(std::string& str);
* void ReplaceCharacter(char* s, const std::string& target, char replace);
* void StripBoth(std::string& str);
* bool StringContainNoCase(const std::string& string, const std::string& find);
* bool EndsWith(const std::string& str, const char* pattern);
* size_t FindLastIndexOf(const char* sz, char c);
* size_t FindLastIndexOf(const char* sz, char c, size_t startIndex);
* std::string SubString(const char* sz, size_t s, size_t e);
* Endianness GetSystemEndianness();
* FBMathLib
* Frustum transforming
* Transform::ApplyForward(...), Transform::ApplyInverse(...) 최적화
* Added
* static Mat33 Mat33::FromAxisAngleStatic(const Vec3& axis, Real radian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromTranslation(const Vec3& translate);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromRotationY(Real rotYRadian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromRotationX(Real rotXRadian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromRotationZ(Real rotZRadian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromAxisAngle(const Vec3& axis, Real radian);
* static Mat44 Mat44::FromViewLookAt(const Vec3& eye, const Vec3& center, const Vec3& up);
* static Quat Quat::CreateFromAngleAxis(const Real radian, const Vec3& axis);
* Mat44 MakeViewMatrix(const Vec3& eye, const Vec3& center, const Vec3& up);
* Real ComputePerspectiveNearDistance(Real farDistance, Real farResolution, int depthBits);
* Real ComputePerspectiveMaxNearDistance(Real halfFov, Real distantToObj);
* std::vector<Vec3> ComputePrincipalAxes(const Real* coordinates, int numelem, int stride);
* std::pair<Vec3, Vec3> ComputeExtrema(const Vec3* points, int numElem)
* Vec2ITuple Vec2I::ToTuple() const;
* Intersection class
Represents the collision result: collision point, normal, length.
* Changed class names
* Plane3 -> Plane3
* Ray3 -> Ray
* FBFileSystem
* Added functions
* static FILE* FileSystem::OpenFile(const char* path, const char* mode, errno_t* errorNo = 0);
Opne a file with out sharing.
* static FILE* FileSystem::::OpenFileShared(const char* path, const char* mode, SharingMode sharingMode, errno_t* errorNo = 0);
Open a file with the sharing mode specified in sharingMode parameter.
* static FILE* FileSystem::::OpenFileByMode(const char* path, const char* mode, errno_t* errorNo = 0);
When mode has 'r' flag, open with read sharing mode, otherwise no sharing.
* static std::string FileSystem::TempFileName(const char* prefix, const char* suffix);
* static void FileSystem::ReplaceIllegalFileNameCharacters(std::string& filepath);
* static bool FileSystem::CanWrite(const char* filepath);
* static void FileSystem::SetLastModified(const char* filepath);
* static time_t FileSystem::GetLastModified(const char* filepath);
* static std::string FileSystem::FormPath(int n, ...);
* Added class
* FileSystem::Open
* File
* FBNetwork
* Integrated CURL
* URL_FILE *url_fopen(const char *url, const char *operation);
* void url_fclose(URL_FILE *file);
* etc...
* Added
* class Connection
* static class Network
* FBThreadLib
* fixed bug in FB_READ_WRITE_CS
* Added: bool TaskScheduler::IsFull()
* FBTimer
* Fixed bug in class Profiler's hierarchical log writing bug
* TinyXmlLib
* Added XMLHelper
Engine Libraries
* FBRenderer
* equirectangular sky mapping
* Frustum information in class Camera now moved into FBMathLib/Frustum.h
* Added the vertex buffer cache.
* Fixed bug in forced wireframe mode
* VertexBuffer data now can be update with the following buffer if the buffer usage is not Dynamic and Immutable.
* VertexBuffer::UpdateData(void* data)
* FBRendererD3D11
* Fixed: Color/Depth buffer doesn't have pixel format info.
* FBSceneObjectFactory
* MeshObject : Position binding fuction for manual rendering.
* SkySphere : setting .dae mesh.
Facade&Dedicated Layer
* FBPhysics
* Prevent double registering of RigidBody.
* Root component name is also sent to lua event function.
* Fixed a crash in ListBox::ClearItemProperties()
* Fixed a crash in ListBoxDataSet::FindRowIndexWithKey(...)
* Added lua interface : int GetComponentFinalPos(lua_State* L);
* 182 files changed, 6933 insertions(+), 2083 deletions(-)
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