Monthly Log 2015. 5.
### May 2015
### Game
#### 2015-05-01 Military Academy.
15 files changed, 748 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-04
* hiding not activated actor's icons
* exposed Timed msg interface to lua
* Now test state is integrated into the play state
* Cleaned fleets
* Handling when the flag ship is destroyed.- added concept of LostShip
* Cleaned crew event
* Added life capsule
* working on Morale
124 files changed, 2310 insertions(+), 1151 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-05
* Added AuxiliaryMeshes
* class Name changed Crew -> Officer
* Removed not using csv files
* Building modules and weapons now handled in ModularModelComp. (Previously Input Handler)
* Removed cpp ui codes
* Cleaned fleet manager
234 files changed, 6646 insertions(+), 13796 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-06
* Save/Load
103 files changed, 2023 insertions(+), 1598 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-07
* Save/Load
* Cleaned code
* Reviewing game design.
92 files changed, 919 insertions(+), 945 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-08 Engine seperation.
690 files changed, 16517 insertions(+), 84943 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-13 Changes for adopting multi windows feature.
36 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-19 UI editor interfaces
14 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-26 adopting engine changes.
43 files changed, 838 insertions(+), 479 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-28
* Detecting camera collision and render the collided object transparent.
* Listbox adoption.
* Added command module and its drill
94 files changed, 2690 insertions(+), 661 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-28 Alpha blending control for children actors.
19 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
### fastbird engine
#### 2015-05-08 Run-time dll loading...
* Run-time dll loading. previously load time.
* Secured lua script execution for loading config files
* Improved shadow.
* Added engine variables for controlling shadow options
* Fixed overriding environment map bug
* LuaUtility for Transformation
* +4927, -882
#### 2015-05-10 New rendering pipeline to support multiple windows.
* Can have serveral swap chains.
* Render target handles the rendering pipeline.
* The pipeline has options for render steps which can be enabled or
* disabled by user.
* +4015, -6810
#### 2015-05-11 continue... supporting multiple swapchain
* Test in EngineApp is completed.
* Applying to actual game.
* +826, -715
#### 2015-05-12 fixing bugs of previous work
* fixing bugs of previous work - multiple swap chain.
* +910, 301
#### 2015-05-13 Working on multi windows stuff.
* fixed bugs on the previous work to support multiple swapchains and post
* processor controller for render targets.
* Foreground window switching depending on the mouse position.
* Window styles as a parameter.
* Added PropertyList
* Adding ui editor interfaces.
* Receive File change event diretly from the engine not from the application.
* +772, -204
#### 2015-05-15 FileSystem, text input, paint event for swapchains, UI Save
* Added filesystem functions
* Added text input manipulator
* Added paint event for swapchain - some swapchains do not need to render every frame
* UI Saving.
* +4034, -441
#### 2015-05-17 PropertyList
* Working on PropertyList
* +952, -1974
#### 2015-05-19 UI Editor interfaces
* Engine
* input overriding
* Drawing a square
* Embeded functions for lua that can be shared commonly
* improvements on text manipulator
* UI
* Supporing editor interfaces.
* +702, -338
#### 2015-05-20 Working on memory manager, list box, property box
* Fixed bugs on memory manager when using array allocation
* PropertyList functionalities are integrated into its base class ListBox.
* Sizing.. Moving components.
* +2671, -1712
#### 2015-05-21 Sizing and aligning multiple ui components.
* Implementing TabWindow component
* Fixed focus test
* Aligning multiple components together
* Sizing components with mouse
* +405, -128
#### 2015-05-23 Improved UI system
* UI
* Inheriting Size&Pos is optimized.
* Save/Load the editing ui while running the game
* Now animation is done in the UI system rather than in the engine.
* Fixed tab ordering bug
* Transferring children components to another container.
* Added Tab Window component
* Added 4 options indicating whether relative coordinates mode is necessary for sizes(x,y) and positions(x,y).
* Engine
* can pause the file change monitor
* +1665, -1788
#### 2015-05-26 Working on ui.
* Internal components of Button are using actual parent-child hierarchy.
* ListItemData now supports textures.
* fixed a position setting bug.
#### 2015-05-27 Rendering any objects with alpha blending enabled.
* Engine
* Support multi RenderTarget sharing a scene.
* Rendering any objects with alpha blending enabled.
* UI
* UIEvent editing in the editor.
* +873, -349
#### 2015-05-28 copy and paste ui components.
* lighting bug fix.
* copy and paste ui components.
* +496, -31
### Game
#### 2015-05-01 Military Academy.
15 files changed, 748 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-04
* hiding not activated actor's icons
* exposed Timed msg interface to lua
* Now test state is integrated into the play state
* Cleaned fleets
* Handling when the flag ship is destroyed.- added concept of LostShip
* Cleaned crew event
* Added life capsule
* working on Morale
124 files changed, 2310 insertions(+), 1151 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-05
* Added AuxiliaryMeshes
* class Name changed Crew -> Officer
* Removed not using csv files
* Building modules and weapons now handled in ModularModelComp. (Previously Input Handler)
* Removed cpp ui codes
* Cleaned fleet manager
234 files changed, 6646 insertions(+), 13796 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-06
* Save/Load
103 files changed, 2023 insertions(+), 1598 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-07
* Save/Load
* Cleaned code
* Reviewing game design.
92 files changed, 919 insertions(+), 945 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-08 Engine seperation.
690 files changed, 16517 insertions(+), 84943 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-13 Changes for adopting multi windows feature.
36 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-19 UI editor interfaces
14 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-26 adopting engine changes.
43 files changed, 838 insertions(+), 479 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-28
* Detecting camera collision and render the collided object transparent.
* Listbox adoption.
* Added command module and its drill
94 files changed, 2690 insertions(+), 661 deletions(-)
#### 2015-05-28 Alpha blending control for children actors.
19 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
### fastbird engine
#### 2015-05-08 Run-time dll loading...
* Run-time dll loading. previously load time.
* Secured lua script execution for loading config files
* Improved shadow.
* Added engine variables for controlling shadow options
* Fixed overriding environment map bug
* LuaUtility for Transformation
* +4927, -882
#### 2015-05-10 New rendering pipeline to support multiple windows.
* Can have serveral swap chains.
* Render target handles the rendering pipeline.
* The pipeline has options for render steps which can be enabled or
* disabled by user.
* +4015, -6810
Now render targets can have different rendering pipelines.
#### 2015-05-11 continue... supporting multiple swapchain
* Test in EngineApp is completed.
* Applying to actual game.
* +826, -715
#### 2015-05-12 fixing bugs of previous work
* fixing bugs of previous work - multiple swap chain.
* +910, 301
#### 2015-05-13 Working on multi windows stuff.
* fixed bugs on the previous work to support multiple swapchains and post
* processor controller for render targets.
* Foreground window switching depending on the mouse position.
* Window styles as a parameter.
* Added PropertyList
* Adding ui editor interfaces.
* Receive File change event diretly from the engine not from the application.
* +772, -204
#### 2015-05-15 FileSystem, text input, paint event for swapchains, UI Save
* Added filesystem functions
* Added text input manipulator
* Added paint event for swapchain - some swapchains do not need to render every frame
* UI Saving.
* +4034, -441
#### 2015-05-17 PropertyList
* Working on PropertyList
* +952, -1974
![]() |
Added PropertyList |
#### 2015-05-19 UI Editor interfaces
* Engine
* input overriding
* Drawing a square
* Embeded functions for lua that can be shared commonly
* improvements on text manipulator
* UI
* Supporing editor interfaces.
* +702, -338
#### 2015-05-20 Working on memory manager, list box, property box
* Fixed bugs on memory manager when using array allocation
* PropertyList functionalities are integrated into its base class ListBox.
* Sizing.. Moving components.
* +2671, -1712
#### 2015-05-21 Sizing and aligning multiple ui components.
* Implementing TabWindow component
* Fixed focus test
* Aligning multiple components together
* Sizing components with mouse
* +405, -128
![]() |
Added TabWindow |
#### 2015-05-23 Improved UI system
* UI
* Inheriting Size&Pos is optimized.
* Save/Load the editing ui while running the game
* Now animation is done in the UI system rather than in the engine.
* Fixed tab ordering bug
* Transferring children components to another container.
* Added Tab Window component
* Added 4 options indicating whether relative coordinates mode is necessary for sizes(x,y) and positions(x,y).
* Engine
* can pause the file change monitor
* +1665, -1788
#### 2015-05-26 Working on ui.
* Internal components of Button are using actual parent-child hierarchy.
* ListItemData now supports textures.
* fixed a position setting bug.
#### 2015-05-27 Rendering any objects with alpha blending enabled.
* Engine
* Support multi RenderTarget sharing a scene.
* Rendering any objects with alpha blending enabled.
* UI
* UIEvent editing in the editor.
* +873, -349
#### 2015-05-28 copy and paste ui components.
* lighting bug fix.
* copy and paste ui components.
* +496, -31
Run-time UI Editing with FBUIEditor
Creating a Calculator with FBUIEditor
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