Monthly Log 2015. 3.
### March 2015
#### 2015-03-02 Prologue
* Engine
* Scene overriding for blank screen
* Font alpha blending for fade out / in
* Game
* Controlling sky parameters via console.
* Added PrologueState
* Writing Prologue scenario
* Cleaned sky parameter related codes
* Added collision boxes for serveral ships.
* Cleaned event system.
* Added FullImageText.ui, FullText.ui
* UI
* Hiding all uis except ....
* +1204, -382
#### 2015-03-03 New effects
* Engine
* Fixed FBCollisionShape::TestCollision()
* Pendulum texture animation for particles
* Game
* Added GameTestState
* Fixed over sized aabb for SpatialComponent
* Targeting priority. Now target enemy depending on scores
* Attacking a certain position even there is no enemy.
* Fixed ray doesn't hit any objects which has modified collision mask value.
* Can spawn several explosion effects when a ship destroyed.
* Added WeaponBigLaser and AmmoBigLaser actors
* Added new effects for big cannons
* Added PhysicsComponents for capital ship and cruiser1.
* New event commands : cameraPos, cameraSphericalPos, cameraDistance and attachProcess
* +1066, -362
#### 2015-03-04 Ship destruction
* Engine
* Exact retrieval of random positions in compound collision boxes
* Fixed a bug in BVaabb::TestIntersection(BoundingVolume*)
* Fixed that Random does not produce evenly distributed values
* Draw text functions now receive a size param.
* Particle Emitters moving toward the camera.
* Fixed particle alpha fading in/out bugs.
* Tweaked soft particle bug
* Game
* Now gCurActor is usable in scripts
* Fracturing normal ships.
* Glare effects when huge ship destroyed.
* Added target mark drawer.
* Debuggin current states
* Effects for partial destruction - Explosions and smokes.
* WeaponType enum deleted. using WeaponCategory only now.
* +1054, 473
#### 2015-03-05 Distributed attack positions
* Engine
* Point light distance calculation now considers objects surface rather than the center position
* Added 'CameraPulling' option for particles.
* Now particles are scalable.
* Added special option 'MoveToCam' for huge glare effect
* Fixed depth shader bug
* Game
* Added camera fly mode
* Tweaked normal ship destruction effects
* Added weapon status debug drawer
* Cleaned team management(hostility) codes
* Added ship component's properties : explosionEffectRandomScale
* Attach position for huge ships now randomly distributed on the surface of the ship.
* Now same type of weapons can be children of the representative parent weapon.<br>-the parent weapon will handle targeting and report to children. - for performance reason
* Worked on muzzle flas, bullet and hit effects for middle sized cannon.
* Worked on hit and bullet effects for big sized cannon.
* Worked on explosion glare effect.
* +1125, 257
#### 2015-03-06 Torpedo
* Engine
* Scalable Circular Buffer for particles
* Vertex Buffer in ParticleRenderObject is now scalable also.
* Added particle property : 'deleteWhenStop'
* Game
* Modified actor states now applied immediately
* Ammo effect is now scalable
* Smooth disappering for smokes
* Cleaned SpatialComponent
* Sequential fire for weapons which has several muzzles
* Weapon models are scalable
* Added particles : 32_torpedo, 33_torpedo_muzzleflash
* Added mesh : torpedo
* +714, -142
#### 2015-03-09 Tweaking ammo's visual and collisions
* Game
* Ammo is now using physics
* Cleaned Flock simulation
* A function to set collision flag.
* Seperated scale control for damage effects and destruction effects
* Added particles : 3_medium_lensflare, 35_capitalship_missile
* tweaked particles and actor properties
* Physics
* Getting distance between two object
* +1087, -216
#### 2015-03-10 Improved movement and targeting.
* Engine
* PointLight disabling
* Improved 'Relative Velocity Stretching' feature in the particle system.
* Game
* Smooth interpolation for the direction mesh
* Controlling any unit is possible.
* Improved targeting / estmating target pos which the ammo can hit the flying ships
* Camera can focus on serveral actors
* Polished space dust particles
* Ships now can smoothly align to the destination rotation.
* Physics components now can be created after the certain delay time('delayCreation' property)
* Added thrust effects for cruiser1
* +1073, -152
#### 2015-03-11 Dogfight
* Engine
* Save/Load typed console commands to a file.
* fixed LightCamera bug
* fixed bounding volume bug when scaling a mesh
* Game
* Dogfight
* Changing user-controlled actor
* Current Ship/Officer UI
* Estimated target position marker
* UI
* Now one can specify delta value(relative to the previous component) for component position.
* +771, -37
#### 2015-03-12 this and that
* Game
* Smooth third person camera transition
* Added CrossHair UI
* Added EnemyInfo UI
* Updating ActorUI information
* Evaluate aiming score
* Manual fire
* Probabilistic Hit
* Actual application of officers skill point.
* +1521, -264
#### 2015-03-13 Continous Collision
* Engine
* Console window : history iteration bugs fixed
* RenderToTextre : render target related bugs fixed
* InputLayout : unique value violation fixed.
* Game
* Smooth camera transitioning improved.
* Ammo movement also using Physics.(not only collision). After hit, ships will shake.
* Cleaned ammo spanwing method
* Setting ignoring collision objects
* Cleaned Logs
* SpatialComponent AABB bug when using manual bouding box
* Physics
* Reporting collision is now done by Step Tick callback - should do this to prevent refering deleted collision objects
* Using continuos collision for fast traveling objects like bullets
* +829, -274
#### 2015-03-16 Improving dogfight
* Game
* Range In/Out indicator
* Target direction indicator when target is out of the screen.
* link ActorUI -> OfficerUI
* Tweaked skills. - How skills affect to actual fight.
* Manual target iteration. - Best, closest and sequential target selection.
* Fixed camera shake.
* Tweaked mouse sensitivity
* Displaying distance to the target
* Fixed 'invincible' command
* UI
* Added translating feature. Texts start with '@' will be translated.
* +1143, -479
#### 2015-03-17 Testing and balancing the prologue scene
* Game
* Camera targeting a team.
* Cleaned codes for handling actor ui.
* Added auto flight mode
* Fixed laser weapons
* Leader change notification
* Testing and Balancing the prologue scene.
* Added 39_bomber_missile.particle, 40_bomber_cannon.particle
* +1214, -424
#### 2015-03-18 Prologue
* Game
* Improved camera interpolation
* Improved laser weapons
* Prologue.
* +925, -203
#### 2015-03-19 Prologue - (scene 4)
* Engine
* Hiding particle emitters
* Game
* Particle visibility control
* Select new ship automatically when the current controlling ship is destroyed
* Space particles smoothly disappear
* Displyaing number of officers in controlling ship, number of ship left for friendly and hostile teams.
* Refresh ship's ability when a officer is embared or left.
* Comparing crew ability to the captain's
* Added understaffed indicator
* Tweaking engine component
* Added new scenario characters and portaits
* Polished ammo of Cruiser_1
* Prologue - Scene 4
* New event command - fadeOut
* New event translation - <name.ChiefOperator>, <name.ChiefArmorer> etc..
* +1138, -217
#### 2015-03-20 Prologue 5
* Game
* Cleaned code for transition between Starmap and Spot
* Added multiple module highlighter
* Now process has it's own id. can query in scripts
* Added ShipEvent when a ship entered a spot.
* Added character name decorator for talk ui.
* AutoCompletion flag for missions
* Prologue 5
* fixed a star rendering problem in star map.
* +884, -129
Event system... Event system.. I want to have more convenient one.
#### 2015-03-23 Prologue 5 : 70%
* Engine
* Console window: fixed line feed.
* Game
* Tweaked Engine and Physics components
* Officers pilot ability now affects the ships on boarded.
* Seperated lua inputs: to keyboard and mouse input.
* Added module indicator
* 'Blinking' feature for weapon models and engine models
* Cleaned 'seating' related codes.
* Find the best pilot when a ship launches.
* Prologue 5 : 70%
* +2343, -800
#### 2015-03-24 Prologue 5 completed.
* Game
* Tweaked camera
* Optimize destruction effect. Physics simulation was slow when huge number of modules were destructed.
* Fixed flickering destruction effects
* Tweaked destruction effects spawning and positioning.
* Added a game command : SpawnParticle <particleId> [count] [offset]
* Setting the modular ship as a controlling actor when user select the sub module.
* Delaying rendering portraits, until the texture streaming is finished.
* Added a concept of minimum number of space staions in a star system.
* Can set additional force to ships in the script
* Tweaked the process returning carrier module for eagles
* +994, 236
#### 2015-03-25 Tweaked Prologue 5
* Camera yaw animation
* Lock down to exiting direction.
* Displaying serveral indicating meshes for a certain type of module.
* AmmoProperty : collide only with the certain target
* Forcibly docking eagles
* Handling date.
* Added a concept of life support system. Activated when an eagle losses its home(carrier).
* Tweaked prologe 5.
* +1022, 239
#### 2015-03-26 Prologue 6
* Engine
* Depth calculation moved to pixel shader from vertex shader for the Depth pass.
* Game
* Fixed bugs on model highlight and target mark drawer
* Report UI.
* Prologue 6.
* Added names, resource and etc tag for event texts.
* UI
* Blinking feature
* +941 -167
#### 2015-03-27 Report UI
* Engine
* Text-embeded img size bug
* Game
* Report UI
* UI
* Added NamedPortrait component
* Fixed order of processing inputs.
* +1487, -92
#### Prologue UI(90%)
* Engine
* Primitive Topology Initial value error.
* Removed the case in which the textures bound to input and ouput simultaneously.
* Game
* Generating portrait images for mesh gropus.
* Tweaked the portrait angle.
* Retrieving an actor considering hierachies
* Refresh the entire Report UI or a portion of it
* Prologue UI
* UI
* Removed the Blinking feature. Added the Highlighting feature
* Fixed image display when scrolling
* Tweaked the NamedPortrait component
* +1329, -580
#### 2015-03-31 PrologueUI completed, New version of fastbird engine released.
* Engine
* Fixed a sudden white screen when sky blending is just started.
* Game
* Spot movement restriction for events.
* PrologueUI completed.
* Prologue 6 completed.
* First iteration of the entire Prologue is completed. - Working on the second iteration for tweaking
* UI
* Cloning UIAnimation.
* Added global animation concept. -- shared among several components
* +807, -168
2015 Mar. released! Check the repository :
#### 2015-03-02 Prologue
* Engine
* Scene overriding for blank screen
* Font alpha blending for fade out / in
* Game
* Controlling sky parameters via console.
* Added PrologueState
* Writing Prologue scenario
* Cleaned sky parameter related codes
* Added collision boxes for serveral ships.
* Cleaned event system.
* Added FullImageText.ui, FullText.ui
* UI
* Hiding all uis except ....
* +1204, -382
#### 2015-03-03 New effects
* Engine
* Fixed FBCollisionShape::TestCollision()
* Pendulum texture animation for particles
* Game
* Added GameTestState
* Fixed over sized aabb for SpatialComponent
* Targeting priority. Now target enemy depending on scores
* Attacking a certain position even there is no enemy.
* Fixed ray doesn't hit any objects which has modified collision mask value.
* Can spawn several explosion effects when a ship destroyed.
* Added WeaponBigLaser and AmmoBigLaser actors
* Added new effects for big cannons
* Added PhysicsComponents for capital ship and cruiser1.
* New event commands : cameraPos, cameraSphericalPos, cameraDistance and attachProcess
* +1066, -362
#### 2015-03-04 Ship destruction
* Engine
* Exact retrieval of random positions in compound collision boxes
* Fixed a bug in BVaabb::TestIntersection(BoundingVolume*)
* Fixed that Random does not produce evenly distributed values
* Draw text functions now receive a size param.
* Particle Emitters moving toward the camera.
* Fixed particle alpha fading in/out bugs.
* Tweaked soft particle bug
* Game
* Now gCurActor is usable in scripts
* Fracturing normal ships.
* Glare effects when huge ship destroyed.
* Added target mark drawer.
* Debuggin current states
* Effects for partial destruction - Explosions and smokes.
* WeaponType enum deleted. using WeaponCategory only now.
* +1054, 473
#### 2015-03-05 Distributed attack positions
* Engine
* Point light distance calculation now considers objects surface rather than the center position
* Added 'CameraPulling' option for particles.
* Now particles are scalable.
* Added special option 'MoveToCam' for huge glare effect
* Fixed depth shader bug
* Game
* Added camera fly mode
* Tweaked normal ship destruction effects
* Added weapon status debug drawer
* Cleaned team management(hostility) codes
* Added ship component's properties : explosionEffectRandomScale
* Attach position for huge ships now randomly distributed on the surface of the ship.
* Now same type of weapons can be children of the representative parent weapon.<br>-the parent weapon will handle targeting and report to children. - for performance reason
* Worked on muzzle flas, bullet and hit effects for middle sized cannon.
* Worked on hit and bullet effects for big sized cannon.
* Worked on explosion glare effect.
* +1125, 257
#### 2015-03-06 Torpedo
* Engine
* Scalable Circular Buffer for particles
* Vertex Buffer in ParticleRenderObject is now scalable also.
* Added particle property : 'deleteWhenStop'
* Game
* Modified actor states now applied immediately
* Ammo effect is now scalable
* Smooth disappering for smokes
* Cleaned SpatialComponent
* Sequential fire for weapons which has several muzzles
* Weapon models are scalable
* Added particles : 32_torpedo, 33_torpedo_muzzleflash
* Added mesh : torpedo
* +714, -142
#### 2015-03-09 Tweaking ammo's visual and collisions
* Game
* Ammo is now using physics
* Cleaned Flock simulation
* A function to set collision flag.
* Seperated scale control for damage effects and destruction effects
* Added particles : 3_medium_lensflare, 35_capitalship_missile
* tweaked particles and actor properties
* Physics
* Getting distance between two object
* +1087, -216
![]() |
Destruction effect. |
#### 2015-03-10 Improved movement and targeting.
* Engine
* PointLight disabling
* Improved 'Relative Velocity Stretching' feature in the particle system.
* Game
* Smooth interpolation for the direction mesh
* Controlling any unit is possible.
* Improved targeting / estmating target pos which the ammo can hit the flying ships
* Camera can focus on serveral actors
* Polished space dust particles
* Ships now can smoothly align to the destination rotation.
* Physics components now can be created after the certain delay time('delayCreation' property)
* Added thrust effects for cruiser1
* +1073, -152
#### 2015-03-11 Dogfight
* Engine
* Save/Load typed console commands to a file.
* fixed LightCamera bug
* fixed bounding volume bug when scaling a mesh
* Game
* Dogfight
* Changing user-controlled actor
* Current Ship/Officer UI
* Estimated target position marker
* UI
* Now one can specify delta value(relative to the previous component) for component position.
* +771, -37
#### 2015-03-12 this and that
* Game
* Smooth third person camera transition
* Added CrossHair UI
* Added EnemyInfo UI
* Updating ActorUI information
* Evaluate aiming score
* Manual fire
* Probabilistic Hit
* Actual application of officers skill point.
* +1521, -264
#### 2015-03-13 Continous Collision
* Engine
* Console window : history iteration bugs fixed
* RenderToTextre : render target related bugs fixed
* InputLayout : unique value violation fixed.
* Game
* Smooth camera transitioning improved.
* Ammo movement also using Physics.(not only collision). After hit, ships will shake.
* Cleaned ammo spanwing method
* Setting ignoring collision objects
* Cleaned Logs
* SpatialComponent AABB bug when using manual bouding box
* Physics
* Reporting collision is now done by Step Tick callback - should do this to prevent refering deleted collision objects
* Using continuos collision for fast traveling objects like bullets
* +829, -274
#### 2015-03-16 Improving dogfight
* Game
* Range In/Out indicator
* Target direction indicator when target is out of the screen.
* link ActorUI -> OfficerUI
* Tweaked skills. - How skills affect to actual fight.
* Manual target iteration. - Best, closest and sequential target selection.
* Fixed camera shake.
* Tweaked mouse sensitivity
* Displaying distance to the target
* Fixed 'invincible' command
* UI
* Added translating feature. Texts start with '@' will be translated.
* +1143, -479
#### 2015-03-17 Testing and balancing the prologue scene
* Game
* Camera targeting a team.
* Cleaned codes for handling actor ui.
* Added auto flight mode
* Fixed laser weapons
* Leader change notification
* Testing and Balancing the prologue scene.
* Added 39_bomber_missile.particle, 40_bomber_cannon.particle
* +1214, -424
#### 2015-03-18 Prologue
* Game
* Improved camera interpolation
* Improved laser weapons
* Prologue.
* +925, -203
#### 2015-03-19 Prologue - (scene 4)
* Engine
* Hiding particle emitters
* Game
* Particle visibility control
* Select new ship automatically when the current controlling ship is destroyed
* Space particles smoothly disappear
* Displyaing number of officers in controlling ship, number of ship left for friendly and hostile teams.
* Refresh ship's ability when a officer is embared or left.
* Comparing crew ability to the captain's
* Added understaffed indicator
* Tweaking engine component
* Added new scenario characters and portaits
* Polished ammo of Cruiser_1
* Prologue - Scene 4
* New event command - fadeOut
* New event translation - <name.ChiefOperator>, <name.ChiefArmorer> etc..
* +1138, -217
#### 2015-03-20 Prologue 5
* Game
* Cleaned code for transition between Starmap and Spot
* Added multiple module highlighter
* Now process has it's own id. can query in scripts
* Added ShipEvent when a ship entered a spot.
* Added character name decorator for talk ui.
* AutoCompletion flag for missions
* Prologue 5
* fixed a star rendering problem in star map.
* +884, -129
Event system... Event system.. I want to have more convenient one.
#### 2015-03-23 Prologue 5 : 70%
* Engine
* Console window: fixed line feed.
* Game
* Tweaked Engine and Physics components
* Officers pilot ability now affects the ships on boarded.
* Seperated lua inputs: to keyboard and mouse input.
* Added module indicator
* 'Blinking' feature for weapon models and engine models
* Cleaned 'seating' related codes.
* Find the best pilot when a ship launches.
* Prologue 5 : 70%
* +2343, -800
#### 2015-03-24 Prologue 5 completed.
* Game
* Tweaked camera
* Optimize destruction effect. Physics simulation was slow when huge number of modules were destructed.
* Fixed flickering destruction effects
* Tweaked destruction effects spawning and positioning.
* Added a game command : SpawnParticle <particleId> [count] [offset]
* Setting the modular ship as a controlling actor when user select the sub module.
* Delaying rendering portraits, until the texture streaming is finished.
* Added a concept of minimum number of space staions in a star system.
* Can set additional force to ships in the script
* Tweaked the process returning carrier module for eagles
* +994, 236
#### 2015-03-25 Tweaked Prologue 5
* Camera yaw animation
* Lock down to exiting direction.
* Displaying serveral indicating meshes for a certain type of module.
* AmmoProperty : collide only with the certain target
* Forcibly docking eagles
* Handling date.
* Added a concept of life support system. Activated when an eagle losses its home(carrier).
* Tweaked prologe 5.
* +1022, 239
#### 2015-03-26 Prologue 6
* Engine
* Depth calculation moved to pixel shader from vertex shader for the Depth pass.
* Game
* Fixed bugs on model highlight and target mark drawer
* Report UI.
* Prologue 6.
* Added names, resource and etc tag for event texts.
* UI
* Blinking feature
* +941 -167
#### 2015-03-27 Report UI
* Engine
* Text-embeded img size bug
* Game
* Report UI
* UI
* Added NamedPortrait component
* Fixed order of processing inputs.
* +1487, -92
#### Prologue UI(90%)
* Engine
* Primitive Topology Initial value error.
* Removed the case in which the textures bound to input and ouput simultaneously.
* Game
* Generating portrait images for mesh gropus.
* Tweaked the portrait angle.
* Retrieving an actor considering hierachies
* Refresh the entire Report UI or a portion of it
* Prologue UI
* UI
* Removed the Blinking feature. Added the Highlighting feature
* Fixed image display when scrolling
* Tweaked the NamedPortrait component
* +1329, -580
#### 2015-03-31 PrologueUI completed, New version of fastbird engine released.
* Engine
* Fixed a sudden white screen when sky blending is just started.
* Game
* Spot movement restriction for events.
* PrologueUI completed.
* Prologue 6 completed.
* First iteration of the entire Prologue is completed. - Working on the second iteration for tweaking
* UI
* Cloning UIAnimation.
* Added global animation concept. -- shared among several components
* +807, -168
2015 Mar. released! Check the repository :
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