Monthly Log 2015. 2.
### February 2015
#### 2015-02-03 Point Lights
* Engine
* Support point lights
* Game
* Added space station templates
* Display dummy modules at where the module will be constructed.
* +1120 -74
#### 2015-02-04 buliding permit
* Engine
* Added NoShadowCast option for materials
* Game
* located space stations randomly
* can perchase building permit
* relation changes while building modules on space station
* added concept of ownership for modules
* +526, -203
#### 2015-02-05 Tweaked Tone Mapping, Improved planet and star rendering.
* Engine
* Half <-> single, double precision conversion.
* Luminance calculation on CPU side for debugging purpose. Added r_HDRCpuLuminance console command.
* Tweaked tone mapping.
* Added Filmic Tone mapping operator. Added r_HDRFilmic console command.
* reference :
* Added console commands
* r_BloomGaussianWeight : control the gaussian distribution weights for bloom effect
* r_numRenderTargets : display number of unique reder targets.
* using hardware gamma correction. Removed srgb_to_linear() usages.
* Game
* Improved Sun and Planet rendering.
* +999 -318
'''Improved planet rendering'''
'''New tone mapping operator.'''
#### 2015-02-06 Mission: Delivery
* Game
* Fixed database parsing errors.
* Fixed memory leak on bounding boxes.
* Added data columns on item table - Stockable and Mass
* Mission - Delivery
* Added planet rotation animation.
* +511, -95
#### 2015-02-08 MissionListUI.
* Game
* Added MissionListUI
* Adding InventoryUI, ItemTooltipUI.
* +524, -103
#### 2015-02-09 Inventory.
* Game
* The order of update is changed : Input update -> UI update.
* Added inventory.
* +530, -139
#### 2015-02-10 Starmap.
* Engine
* Addtional UV coordinate for UIObject
* Faster and stable searching for InputLayout descriptions.
* Game
* Working on Starmap.
* gauges for population and relation.
* mark icons for 'mining', 'space station', 'mission destination'
* UI
* Graphical vertical gauge component
* +778, -170
#### 2015-02-11 Starmap
* Engine
* Fixed a material constants bug
* Game
* Fixed flickering engine thrust glow.
* Starmap
* Planet capacity
* Pirate Bay
* Asteroid Fields
* UI
* Always On Top
* +686, -105
#### 2015-02-12 Sweep out pirates
* Game
* Starting jump sequence from lua
* Relations among teams
* Refreshing docking modules.
* Hostile modular ship for pirate bays
* Mission : Sweep out pirates
* UI
* move uis to bottom layer
* +667, -205
#### 2015-02-14 Done 'Clean Pirates' mission.
* Game
* Added game command : UpdateShipTooltips
* new design for ship tooltips
* Handling team changes.
* Resetting instance spots when exit
* Flock simulation for neutral teams. Fixed bug on deciding the carrier's size.
* Decide starting position when entering a spot.
* Fractures by damage
* Setting cur hull point.
* Integrated AI States
* Done 'Clean Pirates' mission.
* Working on empire attacks.
* working on displaying events character portrait.
* +880, -212
#### 2015-02-15 Defend against the Empire
* Engine
* clipboard support for console
* Game
* Control option for camera interpolation
* New events functionality
* Getting crew information by the title
* pauseGameTimer
* holdMovements
* camera close up
* addGold
* +750, -156
Lua is very helpful to build game event system due to its properties like type-free variables and non-pre-declared variable support.
Writing this kind of system in C++ might be difficult.
XMind is a good tool to manage tasks for a tiny team. Redmine or Hansoft etc might be over functional.
XMind is very flexible, easy to modify, easy to list all tasks and mark the estimated time so can keep in mind the overall process and remained task.
The problem is remained tasks do not decrease but increase instead. Tasks like 'Packing game data', 'Intro / Ending / Credit scenes', 'Resolution changes' or 'Create Promotion movies' are recently added.
There should be more missing tasks......
#### 2015-02-17 this and that.
* Game
* Clearing fractured debris
* Timed msg.
* Tweaked space dust.
* Setting hostile teams to individual actors
* Engine / Manufacturer / Weapon system consume power
* Canceling jump and going back to the departure station
* Added AI to decide NPC fleets damage when the spot is not the current spot.
* Empire fleets attacking spots periodically that are frienly to the player
* Improved game event system.
* Encounter prospect modifier
* Now star map ui data can be updated seperately. it's fast
* Physics
* Removing / Readding rigid bodies
* UI
* Added Property : GAUGE_BORDER_COLOR
* +1303, -325
#### 2015-02-20 Fast build - modules and weapons.
* Engine
* Thick lines support textures.
* fixed a bug on Vec3I operator
* Game
* Weapons can be attached on every faces of a module by Ctrl+Click the weapon select button.
* Multiple modules can be constructed with Shift + Click
* Defining effect id for certain situations in Lua
* Now fractured actor will be excluded when searching targets.
* Targetting is scattered throughout the ship.
* Detached modules will be fractrued right away.
* Weapon guide lines are smoothed.
* Module can be fractured by a menu command. debug purpose
* Balansing weapons and hulls.
* hit and explosion effects are improved.
* Added a new events for when an empire reenforcements are arrived.
* Highlights an active talking slot
* Block entering starmap when an event is activated.
* Added ShortCut Command for test purpose.
* Setting spot relation value via console.
* UI
* Closing UIs by ESC key. Added UI Property : CLOSE_BY_ESC
* Fixed text color bug for TextBox
* +944, -410
curious about how blizzard balanced Diablo 3. They easily changed difficulty level system from one to another. They must have some kind of automatic balancing system or tool.
#### 2015-02-23 CrewSettings
* Game
* cleaned fleet manager codes
* Added a concept of min/max number of soldiers
* a fleet has properties : Population Policy, AutoRepair and CrewSettings(positions priority, quota and auto drafting)
* working on organize ui
* Fixed tooltip blinking bug.
* Added CrewSetting UI.
* UI
* Added a new component : ColorRamp
* Fixed bugs on dropdown menues
* Listbox can move up or down its items.
* +1750, -310
#### 2015-02-24 OrganizerUI
* Game
* Organizer UI
* Supporting capital ships.
* Officers tranferring.
* Now seat components has 'Required' and 'Max' properties for the number of officers.
* New modules can affect to the required/max number of officers
* UI
* Scoller tweaking
* Added new UI property : LISTBOX_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR
* +1172, -192
#### 2015-02-25 Speech Bubbles
* Engine
* Hot reloading fixes
* Game
* Arrange armorer officers into weapons
* Speech bubbles
* Shifting officers according to the fatigue rate.
* +926 -343
#### 2015-02-26 Point light emitter
* Engine
* Added point light emitter
* Game
* Hit / Muzzle flash effects now emit point lights.
* +216 -63
#### 2015-02-27 Actor icon manager.
* Game
* wrote ActorIcon Manager
* Fixed camera shaking bug.
* Fade out shaking according to the distance from the origin of impact.
* +945 -178
#### 2015-02-28 fastbird engine 2015 Feb released!
details on :
#### 2015-02-03 Point Lights
* Engine
* Support point lights
* Game
* Added space station templates
* Display dummy modules at where the module will be constructed.
* +1120 -74
#### 2015-02-04 buliding permit
* Engine
* Added NoShadowCast option for materials
* Game
* located space stations randomly
* can perchase building permit
* relation changes while building modules on space station
* added concept of ownership for modules
* +526, -203
#### 2015-02-05 Tweaked Tone Mapping, Improved planet and star rendering.
* Engine
* Half <-> single, double precision conversion.
* Luminance calculation on CPU side for debugging purpose. Added r_HDRCpuLuminance console command.
* Tweaked tone mapping.
* Added Filmic Tone mapping operator. Added r_HDRFilmic console command.
* reference :
* Added console commands
* r_BloomGaussianWeight : control the gaussian distribution weights for bloom effect
* r_numRenderTargets : display number of unique reder targets.
* using hardware gamma correction. Removed srgb_to_linear() usages.
* Game
* Improved Sun and Planet rendering.
* +999 -318
'''Improved planet rendering'''
![]() |
Previous. Although the planet is a sphere, its atmosphere(textured) looks flat. |
![]() |
Improved. Now looks real sphere. |
'''New tone mapping operator.'''
![]() |
Previous. With tweaked Reinhard tone mapping operator. I felt this method is not easy to use in very dark scenes( when the average luminance is too small). |
#### 2015-02-06 Mission: Delivery
* Game
* Fixed database parsing errors.
* Fixed memory leak on bounding boxes.
* Added data columns on item table - Stockable and Mass
* Mission - Delivery
* Added planet rotation animation.
* +511, -95
#### 2015-02-08 MissionListUI.
* Game
* Added MissionListUI
* Adding InventoryUI, ItemTooltipUI.
* +524, -103
#### 2015-02-09 Inventory.
* Game
* The order of update is changed : Input update -> UI update.
* Added inventory.
* +530, -139
#### 2015-02-10 Starmap.
* Engine
* Addtional UV coordinate for UIObject
* Faster and stable searching for InputLayout descriptions.
* Game
* Working on Starmap.
* gauges for population and relation.
* mark icons for 'mining', 'space station', 'mission destination'
* UI
* Graphical vertical gauge component
* +778, -170
#### 2015-02-11 Starmap
* Engine
* Fixed a material constants bug
* Game
* Fixed flickering engine thrust glow.
* Starmap
* Planet capacity
* Pirate Bay
* Asteroid Fields
* UI
* Always On Top
* +686, -105
#### 2015-02-12 Sweep out pirates
* Game
* Starting jump sequence from lua
* Relations among teams
* Refreshing docking modules.
* Hostile modular ship for pirate bays
* Mission : Sweep out pirates
* UI
* move uis to bottom layer
* +667, -205
#### 2015-02-14 Done 'Clean Pirates' mission.
* Game
* Added game command : UpdateShipTooltips
* new design for ship tooltips
* Handling team changes.
* Resetting instance spots when exit
* Flock simulation for neutral teams. Fixed bug on deciding the carrier's size.
* Decide starting position when entering a spot.
* Fractures by damage
* Setting cur hull point.
* Integrated AI States
* Done 'Clean Pirates' mission.
* Working on empire attacks.
* working on displaying events character portrait.
* +880, -212
#### 2015-02-15 Defend against the Empire
* Engine
* clipboard support for console
* Game
* Control option for camera interpolation
* New events functionality
* Getting crew information by the title
* pauseGameTimer
* holdMovements
* camera close up
* addGold
* +750, -156
Lua is very helpful to build game event system due to its properties like type-free variables and non-pre-declared variable support.
Writing this kind of system in C++ might be difficult.
XMind is a good tool to manage tasks for a tiny team. Redmine or Hansoft etc might be over functional.
XMind is very flexible, easy to modify, easy to list all tasks and mark the estimated time so can keep in mind the overall process and remained task.
The problem is remained tasks do not decrease but increase instead. Tasks like 'Packing game data', 'Intro / Ending / Credit scenes', 'Resolution changes' or 'Create Promotion movies' are recently added.
There should be more missing tasks......
#### 2015-02-17 this and that.
* Game
* Clearing fractured debris
* Timed msg.
* Tweaked space dust.
* Setting hostile teams to individual actors
* Engine / Manufacturer / Weapon system consume power
* Canceling jump and going back to the departure station
* Added AI to decide NPC fleets damage when the spot is not the current spot.
* Empire fleets attacking spots periodically that are frienly to the player
* Improved game event system.
* Encounter prospect modifier
* Now star map ui data can be updated seperately. it's fast
* Physics
* Removing / Readding rigid bodies
* UI
* Added Property : GAUGE_BORDER_COLOR
* +1303, -325
#### 2015-02-20 Fast build - modules and weapons.
* Engine
* Thick lines support textures.
* fixed a bug on Vec3I operator
* Game
* Weapons can be attached on every faces of a module by Ctrl+Click the weapon select button.
* Multiple modules can be constructed with Shift + Click
* Defining effect id for certain situations in Lua
* Now fractured actor will be excluded when searching targets.
* Targetting is scattered throughout the ship.
* Detached modules will be fractrued right away.
* Weapon guide lines are smoothed.
* Module can be fractured by a menu command. debug purpose
* Balansing weapons and hulls.
* hit and explosion effects are improved.
* Added a new events for when an empire reenforcements are arrived.
* Highlights an active talking slot
* Block entering starmap when an event is activated.
* Added ShortCut Command for test purpose.
* Setting spot relation value via console.
* UI
* Closing UIs by ESC key. Added UI Property : CLOSE_BY_ESC
* Fixed text color bug for TextBox
* +944, -410
curious about how blizzard balanced Diablo 3. They easily changed difficulty level system from one to another. They must have some kind of automatic balancing system or tool.
#### 2015-02-23 CrewSettings
* Game
* cleaned fleet manager codes
* Added a concept of min/max number of soldiers
* a fleet has properties : Population Policy, AutoRepair and CrewSettings(positions priority, quota and auto drafting)
* working on organize ui
* Fixed tooltip blinking bug.
* Added CrewSetting UI.
* UI
* Added a new component : ColorRamp
* Fixed bugs on dropdown menues
* Listbox can move up or down its items.
* +1750, -310
#### 2015-02-24 OrganizerUI
* Game
* Organizer UI
* Supporting capital ships.
* Officers tranferring.
* Now seat components has 'Required' and 'Max' properties for the number of officers.
* New modules can affect to the required/max number of officers
* UI
* Scoller tweaking
* Added new UI property : LISTBOX_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR
* +1172, -192
#### 2015-02-25 Speech Bubbles
* Engine
* Hot reloading fixes
* Game
* Arrange armorer officers into weapons
* Speech bubbles
* Shifting officers according to the fatigue rate.
* +926 -343
![]() |
Speech bubble |
#### 2015-02-26 Point light emitter
* Engine
* Added point light emitter
* Game
* Hit / Muzzle flash effects now emit point lights.
* +216 -63
![]() |
Point light particles. |
#### 2015-02-27 Actor icon manager.
* Game
* wrote ActorIcon Manager
* Fixed camera shaking bug.
* Fade out shaking according to the distance from the origin of impact.
* +945 -178
#### 2015-02-28 fastbird engine 2015 Feb released!
details on :
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