Monthly Log 2015. 12.
### Dec 2015
#### 2015-12-03 Added EngineTest.
* Engine
* Added EngineTest.
* Fixed animation bug
* Fixed Collada importer bug. occuring while converting collada::Quat -> fb::Quat
* Fixed logger timed msg bug.
* Added FileSystem::StripFirstDirectoryPath()
* Fallback material and texture loading path.
* Fixed SpatialObject::DetachObject bug
* 72 files changed, 1614 insertions(+), 377 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-03 Fixing bugs
* Engine
* Opennig the console.
* Fixed flickering hand over cursor.
* Moved some common platform dependent functions in InputManager to
* SystemLib.
* Added a string key for temporal depth target.
* Prevented to change the swapchain size to zero.
* 15 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-03Added skybox...
* Engine
* SkyBox Test
* Fixed memoy leak in OpenCollada
* Displaying renderer profile result.
* SkyFacade now represents SkySpherer and SkyBox.
* Environment map bug fixes.
* Fixed crash in SceneManager.
* 29 files changed, 513 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-04
* Engine
* PointLight moved to FBSceneManager. Previously in FBRenderer.
* Fixed particle display bug
* ParticleEmitter can attached to the different scene which is not the main scene.
* Fixed a bug on Mesh BoundingVolume.
* 41 files changed, 913 insertions(+), 743 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-04
* Engine
* Hot reloading for shaders, textures, texture atlases
* 10 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-04 Fixed environmentmap, irrandiance bug.
* Engine
* fixed environmentmap, irrandiance bug.
* fixed TextureD3D11::IsReady()
* 21 files changed, 460 insertions(+), 286 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-05 Applied new engine
* Game
* Applied new engine
* 731 files changed, 28383 insertions(+), 17922 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Added particle test.
* Name changed: ParticleEmitterFacade -> ParticleFacade
* Fixed particle display bugs
* Hot-reloading for particles
* 87 files changed, 1205 insertions(+), 383 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-06
* Engine
* Added RenderStrategyNull.
* Fixed MeshGroup location bug.
* 13 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-07
* Engine
* File Monitor now reports with the watch folder which contains the changed file.
* Added FileSystem::CopyFile(), GetLastDirectory()
* Added OpenFile using commondlg
* Fixed texture binding bug.
* FBUIEditor is now working.
* Fixed MeshObject cloneing bug.
* 53 files changed, 618 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-08 Worked on AudioPlayer
* Engine
* Worked on AudioPlayer
* AL utility library ALURE is added.
* Added audio test.
* Fixed a bug that file monitor threads are not properly terminated.
* Fixed crash in FBRenderer/RenderStrategyDefault.cpp
* Added button click sound.
* Added README
* 40 files changed, 893 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-09
* Game
* Added Effect inheritance options
* Added audio player
* Cleaned code for deciding actor location.
* Actor created on shadow list by default.
* One should move it to active list manually.
* Added jumpIn jumpOut effect
* 129 files changed, 849 insertions(+), 394 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Added AudioEx - handling start/loop/end sounds - can play any length of
* the sound seamlessly.
* Added AudioFadeOut, AudioFadeIn manipulators.
* Fixed MeshGroup animation bug.
* 33 files changed, 827 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-09 audio
14 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-10
* Game
* Smooth mouse control
* No more ship spin when jump-in.
* Command module is also a child of modular ship.
* Fixed a bug when jump-in, the weapon was not properly attached since the parent scale is chaing.
* Added Wait process before the FadeInProcesses
* 24 files changed, 281 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-11 Added VideoTest and etc...
* Engine
* DllLibSync name changed to FileSync
* Fixed VideoPlayer
* Added VideoTest
* FBFileMonitor is independent to FBTimer. Dependency removed.
* Mouse DPI control now affects the camera rotation.
* Fixed color paring error.
* 69 files changed, 726 insertions(+), 620 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-12 Added FontTest.
* Game
* The changes on font are applied.
* Fixing bugs on shadow/active actor list.
* Fixed a bug that fighters were chasing bullets.
* Random speech when collided.
* 79 files changed, 1857 insertions(+), 278 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Fixed a bug that audio sources were never deleted.
* Fixed a bug on screenshot feature.
* Now screenshot folder uses appdata folder.
* Selecting whole texture in TextField by double clicking.
* Font now can be retrieved by font height or font size.
* Font hot-reloading.
* 70 files changed, 1235 insertions(+), 1060 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-15
* Game
* Smooth camera reaction for ship movement
* Added a feature dumping mark manager
* Fixed a bug rendering wrong marks
* Fixed a problem for creating a portrait for huge ships.
* New portrait name rule for officers are applied.
* Applied new method for aligning and scaling ui images.
* Fixed a bug on 'WaitEnteringStarMap'. Should wait infinitely.
* 20 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Fixed a bug that text was not rendered properly when the embeded image
* located the end of the text.
* New method for ui image scaling and aligning.
* FreeScaleImageMatchAll,
* KeepImageRatioMatchWidth,
* KeepImageRatioMatchHeight,
* FreeScaleUIMatchAll,
* KeepUIRatioMatchWidth,
* KeepUIRatioMatchHeight
* 21 files changed, 380 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-16 Particle emitters can play audio.
* Game
* Camera rotates follow the shortest path.
* Added fire sound for
* WeaponCannonFighter_1
* 23_BigLaser.particle
* Added explosion sound
* 7_explosion.particle
* Added FullTextBox ui
* Changed names and portraits for scenario characters.
* Smooth transition between scenes.
* Adjusted UI text sizes.
* 39 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Particle emitters can play audio.
* Added audio finish callback.
* Audio can be placed on the certain line in world space.
* 20 files changed, 307 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-16 Improved AudioManager
* Engine
* Limit the number of audio sources to 32.
* When the source exceeded, audio request will be kept in the reserved
queue, and started when one of the sound slot is avaliable with
smooth fade-in.
* If the audio waits longer than its duration, it will be dropped.
* todo : sort sounds with distance and always play the closest 32 sounds. UI sounds and Background Music should always be played.
* AudioEx: Expanding time. Reserving replay.
* Added AudioExFacade class in EngineFacade project.
* GeometryRenderer is moved from FBRenderer to FBEngineFacade
* FBParticleSystem is moved from EngineLayer to DedicatedLayer.
* 31 files changed, 1153 insertions(+), 731 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-17 Working on dropping audio by priority
* Game
* Added engine sounds. - fading in/out by the engine output
* Added collision sounds - weak, normal, hard
* Fixed weapon attachment bug when loading
* Added sound played when the enemy searching party appeared.
* 52 files changed, 514 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Working on dropping audio by priority - application code doesn't need to concern about the maximum number of audio currently playing.
* Added .fbaudio file that defines the audio file path + AudioProperty in xml format.
* AudioFadeIn and AudioFadeOut are replaced by SmoothGain.
* 25 files changed, 886 insertions(+), 412 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-18 .ogg vorbis audio
* Game
* All audio changed to .ogg vorbis
* Worked for playing ammo impact sound
* Added or modified audio
* cannon_fighter1_fire
* laser_frigate1_hit
* ammo_cannon_impact
* laser_frigate1_fire
* cannon_cruiser2_fire
* cruisers_explosion
* medium_lensflare
* 214 files changed, 357 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)
* Engine
* .ogg vorbis support
* .fbaudioex file extension is added. This is for playing audio in
* 14 files changed, 247 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-21 AudioManager redesigned.
* Game
* Added music box
* Fixed actor visibility bug
* Worked on sounds and musics.
* 44 files changed, 288 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Added AudioDebugger
* Redesigned AudioManager. - Sorting audio sources by distance and drop when necessary.
* Added MusicPlayer
* 45 files changed, 1244 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-22 Multi-threaded AudioManager
* Engine
* AudioManager now runs in the seperated thread.
* 11 files changed, 767 insertions(+), 272 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-24 Improved AudioManager efficiency
* Game
* Added music pack
* Fixed actor visibility bug
* Added sounds for drills, entering stations.
* Prevented starting new event while playing another.
* Prevented entering wrong orbits while playing prologe event.
* 79 files changed, 315 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Improved AudioManager efficiency.
* Fixed bugs in MusicPlayer
* Getting text height considering sizes of embeded images.
* 8 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-29 Abandoning/Rejoining eagles
* Game
* Fixed crashes while exiting
* Fixed a problem that when user press and hold down the space key, command module continually attached and detached to the modular ship.
* Actor visibility problem
* Abandoned eagles.
* Rejoined eagles.
* Sound for deny
* Save/Load
* 40 files changed, 627 insertions(+), 267 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Fixed a bug in FBFileMonitor - not notifying the file modifications.
* Fixed a bug in FBRendererD3D11 - Crash on exiting the program while Thread pump is loading textures
* Fixed not working DrawClouds flag in SceneManager
* Fixed a bug in FBAudioManager - infinite loop when exiting.
* 15 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-31
* Game
* Not to fire weapons when detach the command module.
* Lua interface for PlaySoundEx
* Disable engines for a while after game is loaded.
* Jumping to the nearest spot when retreating.
* Added audio
* coord_calc
* weapon_equip
* weapon_deequip
* Match the number of civilians and resources for quick start with the normal start.
* 34 files changed, 439 insertions(+), 267 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Fixed AudioManager deinitialization bug.
* 16 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-03 Added EngineTest.
* Engine
* Added EngineTest.
* Fixed animation bug
* Fixed Collada importer bug. occuring while converting collada::Quat -> fb::Quat
* Fixed logger timed msg bug.
* Added FileSystem::StripFirstDirectoryPath()
* Fallback material and texture loading path.
* Fixed SpatialObject::DetachObject bug
* 72 files changed, 1614 insertions(+), 377 deletions(-)
![]() |
Engine test program. Since the game getting bigger and bigger, It is hard to test all engine features in the game. This engine test program is small and easily turn-on/off a certain feature. |
#### 2015-12-03 Fixing bugs
* Engine
* Opennig the console.
* Fixed flickering hand over cursor.
* Moved some common platform dependent functions in InputManager to
* SystemLib.
* Added a string key for temporal depth target.
* Prevented to change the swapchain size to zero.
* 15 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-03Added skybox...
* Engine
* SkyBox Test
* Fixed memoy leak in OpenCollada
* Displaying renderer profile result.
* SkyFacade now represents SkySpherer and SkyBox.
* Environment map bug fixes.
* Fixed crash in SceneManager.
* 29 files changed, 513 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-04
* Engine
* PointLight moved to FBSceneManager. Previously in FBRenderer.
* Fixed particle display bug
* ParticleEmitter can attached to the different scene which is not the main scene.
* Fixed a bug on Mesh BoundingVolume.
* 41 files changed, 913 insertions(+), 743 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-04
* Engine
* Hot reloading for shaders, textures, texture atlases
* 10 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-04 Fixed environmentmap, irrandiance bug.
* Engine
* fixed environmentmap, irrandiance bug.
* fixed TextureD3D11::IsReady()
* 21 files changed, 460 insertions(+), 286 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-05 Applied new engine
* Game
* Applied new engine
* 731 files changed, 28383 insertions(+), 17922 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Added particle test.
* Name changed: ParticleEmitterFacade -> ParticleFacade
* Fixed particle display bugs
* Hot-reloading for particles
* 87 files changed, 1205 insertions(+), 383 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-06
* Engine
* Added RenderStrategyNull.
* Fixed MeshGroup location bug.
* 13 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-07
* Engine
* File Monitor now reports with the watch folder which contains the changed file.
* Added FileSystem::CopyFile(), GetLastDirectory()
* Added OpenFile using commondlg
* Fixed texture binding bug.
* FBUIEditor is now working.
* Fixed MeshObject cloneing bug.
* 53 files changed, 618 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-08 Worked on AudioPlayer
* Engine
* Worked on AudioPlayer
* AL utility library ALURE is added.
* Added audio test.
* Fixed a bug that file monitor threads are not properly terminated.
* Fixed crash in FBRenderer/RenderStrategyDefault.cpp
* Added button click sound.
* Added README
* 40 files changed, 893 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-09
* Game
* Added Effect inheritance options
* Added audio player
* Cleaned code for deciding actor location.
* Actor created on shadow list by default.
* One should move it to active list manually.
* Added jumpIn jumpOut effect
* 129 files changed, 849 insertions(+), 394 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Added AudioEx - handling start/loop/end sounds - can play any length of
* the sound seamlessly.
* Added AudioFadeOut, AudioFadeIn manipulators.
* Fixed MeshGroup animation bug.
* 33 files changed, 827 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-09 audio
14 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-10
* Game
* Smooth mouse control
* No more ship spin when jump-in.
* Command module is also a child of modular ship.
* Fixed a bug when jump-in, the weapon was not properly attached since the parent scale is chaing.
* Added Wait process before the FadeInProcesses
* 24 files changed, 281 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-11 Added VideoTest and etc...
* Engine
* DllLibSync name changed to FileSync
* Fixed VideoPlayer
* Added VideoTest
* FBFileMonitor is independent to FBTimer. Dependency removed.
* Mouse DPI control now affects the camera rotation.
* Fixed color paring error.
* 69 files changed, 726 insertions(+), 620 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-12 Added FontTest.
* Game
* The changes on font are applied.
* Fixing bugs on shadow/active actor list.
* Fixed a bug that fighters were chasing bullets.
* Random speech when collided.
* 79 files changed, 1857 insertions(+), 278 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Fixed a bug that audio sources were never deleted.
* Fixed a bug on screenshot feature.
* Now screenshot folder uses appdata folder.
* Selecting whole texture in TextField by double clicking.
* Font now can be retrieved by font height or font size.
* Font hot-reloading.
* 70 files changed, 1235 insertions(+), 1060 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-15
* Game
* Smooth camera reaction for ship movement
* Added a feature dumping mark manager
* Fixed a bug rendering wrong marks
* Fixed a problem for creating a portrait for huge ships.
* New portrait name rule for officers are applied.
* Applied new method for aligning and scaling ui images.
* Fixed a bug on 'WaitEnteringStarMap'. Should wait infinitely.
* 20 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Fixed a bug that text was not rendered properly when the embeded image
* located the end of the text.
* New method for ui image scaling and aligning.
* FreeScaleImageMatchAll,
* KeepImageRatioMatchWidth,
* KeepImageRatioMatchHeight,
* FreeScaleUIMatchAll,
* KeepUIRatioMatchWidth,
* KeepUIRatioMatchHeight
* 21 files changed, 380 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-16 Particle emitters can play audio.
* Game
* Camera rotates follow the shortest path.
* Added fire sound for
* WeaponCannonFighter_1
* 23_BigLaser.particle
* Added explosion sound
* 7_explosion.particle
* Added FullTextBox ui
* Changed names and portraits for scenario characters.
* Smooth transition between scenes.
* Adjusted UI text sizes.
* 39 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Particle emitters can play audio.
* Added audio finish callback.
* Audio can be placed on the certain line in world space.
* 20 files changed, 307 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-16 Improved AudioManager
* Engine
* Limit the number of audio sources to 32.
* When the source exceeded, audio request will be kept in the reserved
queue, and started when one of the sound slot is avaliable with
smooth fade-in.
* If the audio waits longer than its duration, it will be dropped.
* todo : sort sounds with distance and always play the closest 32 sounds. UI sounds and Background Music should always be played.
* AudioEx: Expanding time. Reserving replay.
* Added AudioExFacade class in EngineFacade project.
* GeometryRenderer is moved from FBRenderer to FBEngineFacade
* FBParticleSystem is moved from EngineLayer to DedicatedLayer.
* 31 files changed, 1153 insertions(+), 731 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-17 Working on dropping audio by priority
* Game
* Added engine sounds. - fading in/out by the engine output
* Added collision sounds - weak, normal, hard
* Fixed weapon attachment bug when loading
* Added sound played when the enemy searching party appeared.
* 52 files changed, 514 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Working on dropping audio by priority - application code doesn't need to concern about the maximum number of audio currently playing.
* Added .fbaudio file that defines the audio file path + AudioProperty in xml format.
* AudioFadeIn and AudioFadeOut are replaced by SmoothGain.
* 25 files changed, 886 insertions(+), 412 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-18 .ogg vorbis audio
* Game
* All audio changed to .ogg vorbis
* Worked for playing ammo impact sound
* Added or modified audio
* cannon_fighter1_fire
* laser_frigate1_hit
* ammo_cannon_impact
* laser_frigate1_fire
* cannon_cruiser2_fire
* cruisers_explosion
* medium_lensflare
* 214 files changed, 357 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)
* Engine
* .ogg vorbis support
* .fbaudioex file extension is added. This is for playing audio in
* 14 files changed, 247 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-21 AudioManager redesigned.
* Game
* Added music box
* Fixed actor visibility bug
* Worked on sounds and musics.
* 44 files changed, 288 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Added AudioDebugger
* Redesigned AudioManager. - Sorting audio sources by distance and drop when necessary.
* Added MusicPlayer
* 45 files changed, 1244 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)
![]() |
Audio Debugger |
#### 2015-12-22 Multi-threaded AudioManager
* Engine
* AudioManager now runs in the seperated thread.
* 11 files changed, 767 insertions(+), 272 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-24 Improved AudioManager efficiency
* Game
* Added music pack
* Fixed actor visibility bug
* Added sounds for drills, entering stations.
* Prevented starting new event while playing another.
* Prevented entering wrong orbits while playing prologe event.
* 79 files changed, 315 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Improved AudioManager efficiency.
* Fixed bugs in MusicPlayer
* Getting text height considering sizes of embeded images.
* 8 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-29 Abandoning/Rejoining eagles
* Game
* Fixed crashes while exiting
* Fixed a problem that when user press and hold down the space key, command module continually attached and detached to the modular ship.
* Actor visibility problem
* Abandoned eagles.
* Rejoined eagles.
* Sound for deny
* Save/Load
* 40 files changed, 627 insertions(+), 267 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Fixed a bug in FBFileMonitor - not notifying the file modifications.
* Fixed a bug in FBRendererD3D11 - Crash on exiting the program while Thread pump is loading textures
* Fixed not working DrawClouds flag in SceneManager
* Fixed a bug in FBAudioManager - infinite loop when exiting.
* 15 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
#### 2015-12-31
* Game
* Not to fire weapons when detach the command module.
* Lua interface for PlaySoundEx
* Disable engines for a while after game is loaded.
* Jumping to the nearest spot when retreating.
* Added audio
* coord_calc
* weapon_equip
* weapon_deequip
* Match the number of civilians and resources for quick start with the normal start.
* 34 files changed, 439 insertions(+), 267 deletions(-)
* Engine
* Fixed AudioManager deinitialization bug.
* 16 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
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