Monthly Log 2015. 1
### January 2015
#### 2015-01-05 Integrating Bullet Physics
* Engine
* Integrating Bullet physics.
#### 2015-01-06 Physics, new game concepts, uis.
* Engine
* Added Physics DLL project
* Aligned memory allocation : Use FB_NEW_ALIGNED(...) / FB_DEL_ALIGNED(...)
* Mouse button improvements
* Game
* Refresh officer list. Cleaned code for populating officer list ui.
* Added PhysicsComp
* Added 'mass' and 'force' columns to ShipDb
* Added Morale and Fatigue concepts
* Added early promotion concept
* Implementing physical movement into EngineComp
* Added full-scale attack concept.
* Added GameTimer.
* Inheriting command
* Added event box with graphics
* UI
* Animating image inside button comps
* ListBox
* Merging columns
* Setting user id to each rows
* Added material color animation
* Utils
* Added lua interactive
* +4862, -760
#### 2015-01-07 Applying torque
* Engine
* Bullet Physics debug drawer
* 3D Text Renderer
* Rotating RigidBodies using torque according to the user input.
* Game
* Calculating force and mass of modular ship
* +1072, -66
#### 2015-01-09 Support TriangleMesh collision shape.
* Engine
* Support for mesh collision shapes.
* Importing mesh collision shape from collada file.
* converting it to the btBvhTriangleMeshShape(for static) or btGImpactMeshShape(for dynamic)
* Cleaned collada importer
* Fixed DebugHud bug when the number of lines exceed 500
* Game
* Moved physics update timing after user input.
* Now actor PostInit() is called after the transform is set to the SpatialComp
* Fixed crash while exiting the program. Caused by deleting an sub-actor while deleting all actors.
* Moved physics rigid body update time to after the EngineComp is updated.
* +759, 292
#### 2015-01-10 Reporting collision events
* Engine
* Integrated serveral physics interfaces into one(ITransformExchanger, IColShapeProvider and ICollisionEventHander)
* Saving user ptr into physics instances.
* Notifying collision events to the application.
* Game
* Adding new components in RunTime.
* Detaching modules when it collided with static rigid bodies.(working on)
* +385, -150
#### 2015-01-12 Ship crash
* Engine
* Collision filtering
* Game
* Camera Shaking
* An option for effects not to inherit parent's rotation
* Rigid body feedback for engine output effects
* Added 'material' amd 'materialParams' for ModelComponent
* Modular ship destruction
* +842, -160
#### 2015-01-13 Fracturing
* Support fracture meshes.
* Import fracture meshes
* Generate fracture rigid bodies.
* Interface for convex collision shapes
* Changed fastbird::RigidBody to be inherited from btRigidBody.
* Game
* Added FractureComp - mapping physical rigid bodies and graphicals
* Runtime removal of components
* +739, -357
#### 2015-01-14 Multiple modular ship support
* Physics
* Gluing debris - break when certain threshold is exceeded.
* Ray test supported
* Game
* Multiple modular ship support.
* Replace ray test to use Bullet Physics library.
* +516 -174
#### 2015-01-15 Space Station as a modular ship
* Debug Draw : ActorId - 'GameDebugFlag 1'
* Fixed Ray Cast bug
* Save/Load individual actors to a file.
* Added Space Station composed with serveral modules
* Fixed loading carrier modules containing eagles
* Added two movement mode - Destination mode and Direction mode
* It is convinient to use Destination mode when the ship need to arrive at certain position,
And Direction mode is for user controlling ships and avoiding obstacles.
* Modules that are not reachable to the core module will be automatically detached from the modular ship.
* Physics
* Cleaned User Ptr related codes.
* Direction alignmend codes moved to game project
* +731, -250
#### 2015-01-17 Space station ui
* Engine
* Thick textured line rendering
* Added Geometry Renderer
* Overriding environment map for render targets.
* Game
* Improved horizontal/vertical movement of ships with mouse middle btn.
* Adding space station ui
* Displaying direction of ships on HUD
* Displaying docking position of space station
* +1385, -135
#### 2015-01-19 Space Station UI
* Game
* Working on the docking ui.
* +606, -40
#### 2015-01-20 Space Station UI
* Game
* Station UI
* Administration
* +647, -50
#### 2015-01-21 Inline text coloring
* Game
* Station UI - Missions
* UI
* inline text coloring. use : [$cr0xffffffff$]blahblah[$cr$]
* +462, -76
#### 2015-01-22 Mission - gathering minerals
* Working on a mission - gathering minerals.
* Setting linear/angular damping
* Now boid simulatino is using physics.(need to work more)
* EngineComp : Locking Rotation, Disable physical movement,
* Reviving mining movement with physics.
* Physics
* Ray testing with a certain obj
* Reporting close objects
* UI
* Supporting inline icon insertion. use : [$img<AtlaRegionName>$]
* Added 'MATCH_HEIGHT' property
* +1070, -245
#### 2015-01-30 FlockSystem and Physics
* Engine
* DebugRenderer - fixed bugs for Sphere and Box shapes.
* Game
* Fixed bug for stretching space particles.
* Handling 'Docking Position' mesh auxiliaries - for asteroid's mining pos.
* Added independent boid concept
* Following formation
* Fixed engine thrust effects
* Flock system and Physics.
* Recreating physics rigid bodies.
* Cleaned code for drills
* Mission : Protect merchant fleet. - handling neutral actors.
* Physics
* Getting overlapped objects in an AABB
* UI
* fixed a bug related to Match Height.
* +2358, -552
#### 2015-01-31 Instant Spot
* Game
* Pirates can interupt jumping fleets.
* Random pirates fleet generation
* Added a concept 'Instant Spot'
* Working on a mission 'Protect Merchant Fleet'
* +1161, -66
#### 2015-02-02 fastbird engine 2015 Jan. released!
* URL :
#### 2015-01-05 Integrating Bullet Physics
* Engine
* Integrating Bullet physics.
#### 2015-01-06 Physics, new game concepts, uis.
* Engine
* Added Physics DLL project
* Aligned memory allocation : Use FB_NEW_ALIGNED(...) / FB_DEL_ALIGNED(...)
* Mouse button improvements
* Game
* Refresh officer list. Cleaned code for populating officer list ui.
* Added PhysicsComp
* Added 'mass' and 'force' columns to ShipDb
* Added Morale and Fatigue concepts
* Added early promotion concept
* Implementing physical movement into EngineComp
* Added full-scale attack concept.
* Added GameTimer.
* Inheriting command
* Added event box with graphics
* UI
* Animating image inside button comps
* ListBox
* Merging columns
* Setting user id to each rows
* Added material color animation
* Utils
* Added lua interactive
* +4862, -760
#### 2015-01-07 Applying torque
* Engine
* Bullet Physics debug drawer
* 3D Text Renderer
* Rotating RigidBodies using torque according to the user input.
* Game
* Calculating force and mass of modular ship
* +1072, -66
#### 2015-01-09 Support TriangleMesh collision shape.
* Engine
* Support for mesh collision shapes.
* Importing mesh collision shape from collada file.
* converting it to the btBvhTriangleMeshShape(for static) or btGImpactMeshShape(for dynamic)
* Cleaned collada importer
* Fixed DebugHud bug when the number of lines exceed 500
* Game
* Moved physics update timing after user input.
* Now actor PostInit() is called after the transform is set to the SpatialComp
* Fixed crash while exiting the program. Caused by deleting an sub-actor while deleting all actors.
* Moved physics rigid body update time to after the EngineComp is updated.
* +759, 292
![]() |
Defining coaser detailed collision mesh for asteroid. Now engine can import this information to generate mesh collision shape as well as other types(Box, Sphere and Compound) |
![]() |
now exact collision detection is possible. ( lines are drawn without depth culling, so looks have many vertices.) |
#### 2015-01-10 Reporting collision events
* Engine
* Integrated serveral physics interfaces into one(ITransformExchanger, IColShapeProvider and ICollisionEventHander)
* Saving user ptr into physics instances.
* Notifying collision events to the application.
* Game
* Adding new components in RunTime.
* Detaching modules when it collided with static rigid bodies.(working on)
* +385, -150
#### 2015-01-12 Ship crash
* Engine
* Collision filtering
* Game
* Camera Shaking
* An option for effects not to inherit parent's rotation
* Rigid body feedback for engine output effects
* Added 'material' amd 'materialParams' for ModelComponent
* Modular ship destruction
* +842, -160
#### 2015-01-13 Fracturing
* Support fracture meshes.
* Import fracture meshes
* Generate fracture rigid bodies.
* Interface for convex collision shapes
* Changed fastbird::RigidBody to be inherited from btRigidBody.
* Game
* Added FractureComp - mapping physical rigid bodies and graphicals
* Runtime removal of components
* +739, -357
![]() |
Now detached modules are fractured and scattered. |
#### 2015-01-14 Multiple modular ship support
* Physics
* Gluing debris - break when certain threshold is exceeded.
* Ray test supported
* Game
* Multiple modular ship support.
* Replace ray test to use Bullet Physics library.
* +516 -174
![]() |
Now can have multiple modular ships. |
#### 2015-01-15 Space Station as a modular ship
* Debug Draw : ActorId - 'GameDebugFlag 1'
* Fixed Ray Cast bug
* Save/Load individual actors to a file.
* Added Space Station composed with serveral modules
* Fixed loading carrier modules containing eagles
* Added two movement mode - Destination mode and Direction mode
* It is convinient to use Destination mode when the ship need to arrive at certain position,
And Direction mode is for user controlling ships and avoiding obstacles.
* Modules that are not reachable to the core module will be automatically detached from the modular ship.
* Physics
* Cleaned User Ptr related codes.
* Direction alignmend codes moved to game project
* +731, -250
![]() |
Approaching to the space station. |
#### 2015-01-17 Space station ui
* Engine
* Thick textured line rendering
* Added Geometry Renderer
* Overriding environment map for render targets.
* Game
* Improved horizontal/vertical movement of ships with mouse middle btn.
* Adding space station ui
* Displaying direction of ships on HUD
* Displaying docking position of space station
* +1385, -135
#### 2015-01-19 Space Station UI
* Game
* Working on the docking ui.
* +606, -40
#### 2015-01-20 Space Station UI
* Game
* Station UI
* Administration
* +647, -50
#### 2015-01-21 Inline text coloring
* Game
* Station UI - Missions
* UI
* inline text coloring. use : [$cr0xffffffff$]blahblah[$cr$]
* +462, -76
#### 2015-01-22 Mission - gathering minerals
* Working on a mission - gathering minerals.
* Setting linear/angular damping
* Now boid simulatino is using physics.(need to work more)
* EngineComp : Locking Rotation, Disable physical movement,
* Reviving mining movement with physics.
* Physics
* Ray testing with a certain obj
* Reporting close objects
* UI
* Supporting inline icon insertion. use : [$img<AtlaRegionName>$]
* Added 'MATCH_HEIGHT' property
* +1070, -245
#### 2015-01-30 FlockSystem and Physics
* Engine
* DebugRenderer - fixed bugs for Sphere and Box shapes.
* Game
* Fixed bug for stretching space particles.
* Handling 'Docking Position' mesh auxiliaries - for asteroid's mining pos.
* Added independent boid concept
* Following formation
* Fixed engine thrust effects
* Flock system and Physics.
* Recreating physics rigid bodies.
* Cleaned code for drills
* Mission : Protect merchant fleet. - handling neutral actors.
* Physics
* Getting overlapped objects in an AABB
* UI
* fixed a bug related to Match Height.
* +2358, -552
#### 2015-01-31 Instant Spot
* Game
* Pirates can interupt jumping fleets.
* Random pirates fleet generation
* Added a concept 'Instant Spot'
* Working on a mission 'Protect Merchant Fleet'
* +1161, -66
#### 2015-02-02 fastbird engine 2015 Jan. released!
* URL :
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