Monthly Log 2014. 12.
### December 2014
#### 2014-12-02 EventManager, Starmap
* Engine
* Fixed sky blending bug.
* Game
* Working on Starmap, JumpDriver Component.
* Improved modularship portrait quality.
* Reporting enemy warp signal.
* Added save/load - Actor visibility, JumpDriver status.
* Added new event - BuildEvent
* Added GameEvent manager.(only linear part is done. need to work on triggers)
* Now Star and Spots Id is equal to its index value.
* Processing module events - attaching/detaching
* Added fleet list ui.
* ResourceUI now exists in the script form
* Added TalkUI
* UI
* Supporting Sprite animation
* Fixed offsetting bugs.
* +3559, -1280
#### 2014-12-4 Moving/Entering/Leaving spots.
* Engine
* Added lua stack clipper
* Support UIObject Scaling.
* Fixed Light camera memory leak
* Game
* Added StarMapButtonUI / MessageUI.
* Entering/Leaving spot.
* Moving to other spots.
* Improved Star Rendering.
* Fixed a bug saving/loading JumpDriver components.
* UI
* Seperated 'update' / 'gathering renderlist' routine.
* Support scaling animation.
* Added show / hide scaling animation. - Added 'SHOW_ANIMATION', 'HIDE_ANIMATION' UIProperties
* ListBox header font_size is now controlable.
* +2241, -678
#### 2014-12-6 Lighting
* Engine
* Fixed the case the environment map is not generated.
* Fixed and clenaed lighting codes
* Normal size problem for the scaled objects.
* Fixed some cases in which the environment map is not properly generated.
* Fixed cases violate the light energy conservation rule.
* Fixed normal map fetching errors.
* gamma correction problems
* half-vector problem.
* Centeralized common lighting functions
* Game
* Added 'mark' property indicating whether the model need to registered into the MarkManager.
* Module size is modified to 2.0f * 0.9f
* Added 'OnBeShadow' and 'OnBeActive' Actor Event.
* Worked on loading
* Remove command module.
* Added process for exiting the orbit.
* Added ShipId property to modular ship
* Weapon can be attached from Lua.
* Added a new asteroid
* New texture set for modular ship.
* Pause/Unpause actor process
* Added IsPreparingExitSpot brain state
* Confirming model ui
* +981, -269
#### 2014-12-08 Design document
* Engine
* Fixed a bug on line feeding for multi line texts
* Game
* Wrote the game design document.
* Renewaling module building mechanism
* Added module selection ui.
* AABB error in ModularShip
* Adding new modules - Engine, Carrier, Near-lightspeed, Warp, Small~LargeDeck.
* Added exhaust nozzle mesh / material
* +805, -95
#### 2014-12-09 3DC normal map compression
* Engine
* Fixed a bug on generating tangent space while importing a collada mesh
* support 3DC normalmap compression format.
* Game
* Added visual expression of the module building process.
* Working on module context menu.
* Writing a* like algorithm to determine whether a module is rechable to the core module.
* +1088, -190
#### 2014-12-10 WeaponSelection
* Engine
* Fixed bug on Transparent Meshes
* Game
* Added game commands to load arbitrary meshes for test.
* Cleaned input handler and picking codes.
* A module focused by the context menu will now be highligted.
* Modules being constructed are now highlighted.
* FaceMarker size is modified since the module size is changed.
* Now resource data is moved to the PlayerComponent. All fleets shared the resources automatically.
* Added AmmoIonGattling.lua
* Costs for modules and weapons are defined.
* Added Weapon selection UI.
* +1790, -546
#### 2014-12-11 WeaponSelection
* Game
* Consuming power / manufacture point. Setting priority of consumers.
* Increasing the number of manufacturer will decrease the efficiency
* Changed UI tooltip pos
* Added lasers and rockets to weapon selection menu.
* +1827 -162
#### 2014-12-13 3D UI Support
* Engine
* Support rendering of 3D UI
* Game
* Portray ship tooltips with 3D UI.
* UI
* Custom render target sizes for 3D UIs.
* +2229, -411
#### 2014-12-15 Rigid animation for MeshGroups.
* Engine
* Rigid Animation for mesh groups
* Alpha fading where the 3DUI and opaque objects are contact.
* Game
* Working on carrier component.
* Animation opening the gates
* Added Eagle manufacturer point.
* +1546, -164
#### 2014-12-16 Gates for carriers.
* Engine
* Mipmap generation for 3d uis
* Game
* Worked on Carrier Module, Engine Module and Cargo Component
* Tweak ship tooltip positions
* UI
* Rotating ImageBox.
* +663 -389
#### 2014-12-17 Engine's visual effects
* Engine
* Unpausable Timer
* fixed flicking bugs of 3D UI
* Mesh glow
* Soft particle
* Game
* Added EngineModelComp, EngineModuleComp
* Fixed flickering tooltip ui and ship 3duis
* Cleaned code for setting the controlling fleet
* Working on Engine thrust visual effect.
* Slow down the ships when the dest position is inside of obstacles
* AI responds to the Fleet Command settings.
* Integrated fleet states data in Lua.
* UI
* Toggling button activation.
* +1511, -217
#### 2014-12-18 Ship Upgrade Info UI
* Engine
* Added alpha mask for alpha blending states
* Game
* Horizontal / Vertical movement's engine effect.
* Added portrait in the ship tooltips.
* Handling Ability bonus according to the ship class.
* Increasing ship speed according to the number of engine modules.
* Now engine modules consume power.
* Fast retrieving the number of eagles and weapons.
* Inverse enum lua table. number -> String
* Added ShipUpgrade information UI.
* Modified ModularShip Class Conditions and bonus.
* +1191, -307
#### 2014-12-19 Crews.
* Engine
* Cleaned shader codes
* Fixed transparent mesh bugs.
* Soft particle
* Game
* Fixed engine thrust effect bugs.
* Renewal crew skills
* Pairing ships, eagles, modules and crews generation / destruction.
* Added CapitalSeatComponent. Added concept of seat category. Operator, Armorer, Pilot, Deck
* Added the concept of crew rank and title. Removed level.
* +2242 -1005
#### 2014-12-23 ships database
* Engine
* Enable/Disable 3D UIs
* Rendering problem with mesh normals
* Game
* added CapitalSeat component
* Revived ships database to hold ship properties
* Engine comp and Power comp are also refering ships database.(optional)
* Designing UIs and Icons.
* +745, -625
more time spent with Gimp than Visual studio. Icon designing is interesting.
I found interesting ui turorial :
seems like Photoshop is better than Gimp. Especially the Bevel and Emboss filter.
In Gimp, one needs to manually define the height of regions to emboss but not in Photoshop.
#### 2014-12-24 Gimp python-fu plug-in for exporting atlas texture information
* UI
* Button UI improvement. Added contained images.
* Gimp python-fu script for exporting atlas information.
* +742, -288
I had to develop this gimp plug-in earlier.
It's like I came heaven on earth.
#### 2014-12-26 renewed UIs.
* Renewed ManageUI, NavigationUI, ResourceUI and WaveUI.
* SeatComponent does not save crew information anymore. Only crewComp saves seat info
* Fixed bidirectional lighting
* Quick detaching modules for dev purpose
* Fixed the problem engine ouput model is not rendered when the game loaded
* Rebuilding environment and radiance map when the light position changed.
* Fixed loading error for modules
* button highlighting
* Gap for StaticText ui comp
* Scriptable tooltip msgs.
* +525 -233
#### 2014-12-29 Officer List UI
* Game
* Added officer list ui
* UI
* Added Icon+Texture component(in the Button and ListBox Comps)
* Fixed checkbox/NumericUpDown component bugs
* Added UI Properties
* +835, -265
#### 2014-12-02 EventManager, Starmap
* Engine
* Fixed sky blending bug.
* Game
* Working on Starmap, JumpDriver Component.
* Improved modularship portrait quality.
* Reporting enemy warp signal.
* Added save/load - Actor visibility, JumpDriver status.
* Added new event - BuildEvent
* Added GameEvent manager.(only linear part is done. need to work on triggers)
* Now Star and Spots Id is equal to its index value.
* Processing module events - attaching/detaching
* Added fleet list ui.
* ResourceUI now exists in the script form
* Added TalkUI
* UI
* Supporting Sprite animation
* Fixed offsetting bugs.
* +3559, -1280
#### 2014-12-4 Moving/Entering/Leaving spots.
* Engine
* Added lua stack clipper
* Support UIObject Scaling.
* Fixed Light camera memory leak
* Game
* Added StarMapButtonUI / MessageUI.
* Entering/Leaving spot.
* Moving to other spots.
* Improved Star Rendering.
* Fixed a bug saving/loading JumpDriver components.
* UI
* Seperated 'update' / 'gathering renderlist' routine.
* Support scaling animation.
* Added show / hide scaling animation. - Added 'SHOW_ANIMATION', 'HIDE_ANIMATION' UIProperties
* ListBox header font_size is now controlable.
* +2241, -678
#### 2014-12-6 Lighting
* Engine
* Fixed the case the environment map is not generated.
* Fixed and clenaed lighting codes
* Normal size problem for the scaled objects.
* Fixed some cases in which the environment map is not properly generated.
* Fixed cases violate the light energy conservation rule.
* Fixed normal map fetching errors.
* gamma correction problems
* half-vector problem.
* Centeralized common lighting functions
![]() |
Beautiful metal rendering. |
![]() |
Rendered with fastbird-engine. The ship model is from Thank you. |
* Game
* Added 'mark' property indicating whether the model need to registered into the MarkManager.
* Module size is modified to 2.0f * 0.9f
* Added 'OnBeShadow' and 'OnBeActive' Actor Event.
* Worked on loading
* Remove command module.
* Added process for exiting the orbit.
* Added ShipId property to modular ship
* Weapon can be attached from Lua.
* Added a new asteroid
* New texture set for modular ship.
* Pause/Unpause actor process
* Added IsPreparingExitSpot brain state
* Confirming model ui
* +981, -269
#### 2014-12-08 Design document
* Engine
* Fixed a bug on line feeding for multi line texts
* Game
* Wrote the game design document.
* Renewaling module building mechanism
* Added module selection ui.
* AABB error in ModularShip
* Adding new modules - Engine, Carrier, Near-lightspeed, Warp, Small~LargeDeck.
* Added exhaust nozzle mesh / material
* +805, -95
#### 2014-12-09 3DC normal map compression
* Engine
* Fixed a bug on generating tangent space while importing a collada mesh
* support 3DC normalmap compression format.
* Game
* Added visual expression of the module building process.
* Working on module context menu.
* Writing a* like algorithm to determine whether a module is rechable to the core module.
* +1088, -190
#### 2014-12-10 WeaponSelection
* Engine
* Fixed bug on Transparent Meshes
* Game
* Added game commands to load arbitrary meshes for test.
* Cleaned input handler and picking codes.
* A module focused by the context menu will now be highligted.
* Modules being constructed are now highlighted.
* FaceMarker size is modified since the module size is changed.
* Now resource data is moved to the PlayerComponent. All fleets shared the resources automatically.
* Added AmmoIonGattling.lua
* Costs for modules and weapons are defined.
* Added Weapon selection UI.
* +1790, -546
#### 2014-12-11 WeaponSelection
* Game
* Consuming power / manufacture point. Setting priority of consumers.
* Increasing the number of manufacturer will decrease the efficiency
* Changed UI tooltip pos
* Added lasers and rockets to weapon selection menu.
* +1827 -162
#### 2014-12-13 3D UI Support
* Engine
* Support rendering of 3D UI
* Game
* Portray ship tooltips with 3D UI.
* UI
* Custom render target sizes for 3D UIs.
* +2229, -411
#### 2014-12-15 Rigid animation for MeshGroups.
* Engine
* Rigid Animation for mesh groups
* Alpha fading where the 3DUI and opaque objects are contact.
* Game
* Working on carrier component.
* Animation opening the gates
* Added Eagle manufacturer point.
* +1546, -164
#### 2014-12-16 Gates for carriers.
* Engine
* Mipmap generation for 3d uis
* Game
* Worked on Carrier Module, Engine Module and Cargo Component
* Tweak ship tooltip positions
* UI
* Rotating ImageBox.
* +663 -389
#### 2014-12-17 Engine's visual effects
* Engine
* Unpausable Timer
* fixed flicking bugs of 3D UI
* Mesh glow
* Soft particle
* Game
* Added EngineModelComp, EngineModuleComp
* Fixed flickering tooltip ui and ship 3duis
* Cleaned code for setting the controlling fleet
* Working on Engine thrust visual effect.
* Slow down the ships when the dest position is inside of obstacles
* AI responds to the Fleet Command settings.
* Integrated fleet states data in Lua.
* UI
* Toggling button activation.
* +1511, -217
#### 2014-12-18 Ship Upgrade Info UI
* Engine
* Added alpha mask for alpha blending states
* Game
* Horizontal / Vertical movement's engine effect.
* Added portrait in the ship tooltips.
* Handling Ability bonus according to the ship class.
* Increasing ship speed according to the number of engine modules.
* Now engine modules consume power.
* Fast retrieving the number of eagles and weapons.
* Inverse enum lua table. number -> String
* Added ShipUpgrade information UI.
* Modified ModularShip Class Conditions and bonus.
* +1191, -307
#### 2014-12-19 Crews.
* Engine
* Cleaned shader codes
* Fixed transparent mesh bugs.
* Soft particle
* Game
* Fixed engine thrust effect bugs.
* Renewal crew skills
* Pairing ships, eagles, modules and crews generation / destruction.
* Added CapitalSeatComponent. Added concept of seat category. Operator, Armorer, Pilot, Deck
* Added the concept of crew rank and title. Removed level.
* +2242 -1005
#### 2014-12-23 ships database
* Engine
* Enable/Disable 3D UIs
* Rendering problem with mesh normals
* Game
* added CapitalSeat component
* Revived ships database to hold ship properties
* Engine comp and Power comp are also refering ships database.(optional)
* Designing UIs and Icons.
* +745, -625
more time spent with Gimp than Visual studio. Icon designing is interesting.
I found interesting ui turorial :
seems like Photoshop is better than Gimp. Especially the Bevel and Emboss filter.
In Gimp, one needs to manually define the height of regions to emboss but not in Photoshop.
#### 2014-12-24 Gimp python-fu plug-in for exporting atlas texture information
* UI
* Button UI improvement. Added contained images.
* Gimp python-fu script for exporting atlas information.
* +742, -288
I had to develop this gimp plug-in earlier.
It's like I came heaven on earth.
#### 2014-12-26 renewed UIs.
* Renewed ManageUI, NavigationUI, ResourceUI and WaveUI.
* SeatComponent does not save crew information anymore. Only crewComp saves seat info
* Fixed bidirectional lighting
* Quick detaching modules for dev purpose
* Fixed the problem engine ouput model is not rendered when the game loaded
* Rebuilding environment and radiance map when the light position changed.
* Fixed loading error for modules
* button highlighting
* Gap for StaticText ui comp
* Scriptable tooltip msgs.
* +525 -233
#### 2014-12-29 Officer List UI
* Game
* Added officer list ui
* UI
* Added Icon+Texture component(in the Button and ListBox Comps)
* Fixed checkbox/NumericUpDown component bugs
* Added UI Properties
* +835, -265
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