Fastbird Engine Monthly Log 2014. 9.
### September 2014
#### 2014-09-01 UIs
* Game
* Outline rendering for modular ship.
* worked on Resource UI.
* Displying wave time.
* Added KillAll and SetWaveTime commands.
* UI
* Button+ProgressBar UI, Blinking at the completion.
* Added TextColor and Backcolor interpolation to UIAnimation.
* Now UI component can have multiple UIAnimation instances.
* Added Tooltip UI
* Fixed font vertical alignment bug
* +1298 -164
#### 2014-09-02 Laser
* Engine
* Particle UV Flow, Length control, aligning velocity to the emitter direction
* Game
* Added bomber, frigate and their movement controller.
* added laser effect
* adeed frigate explosion effect
* delayed destruction of ships.
* Ammo reloading.
* Densign document- spreading contents through the time and space.
* +1138 -136 +1279(design)
#### 2014-09-03 Missile Cruiser
* Engine
* ParticleEmitter now can emit geometries
* Particle color interpolation
* inter-frame particle position interpolation for fast moving emitters
* Game
* Weapon Debug command added.
* Added missile cruiser and its movement controller.
* fixed Yaw-Pitch weaopn's tracking bugs
* Added 11_cruiser_missile.particle, 12_big_explosion.particle and 13_missile_explosion.particle
* +1197 -241
#### 2014-09-04 Manufacture
* Game
* Manufacturing modules - consuming resources.
* Added FastConstruction command.
* Tooltips for objects in the world.
* UI
* Polishing embeded progress bar.
* Added NO_MOUSE_EVENT property.
* Now can input minus value for position. (then the final pos is ScreenWidth+(minus value))
* offsetting. useful for the situation when you want to offset npos(like 0.5f) by pixelpos(like 100px).
* +1387 -168, no memory leak.
#### 2014-09-05 Screenshots
#### 2014-09-10 anamorphic lens flare, multiple flocks
* Engine
* Anamorphic Lens Flare
* Added engine commands: r_HDRMiddleGray, r_BloomPower, r_StarPower, r_UI
* Rewrote luminance calculation
* Added GaussianBlur5x5.hlsl, MergeTextures2PS.hlsl.
* Game
* Added flock manager. now can have multiple flocks.
* Interaction among flocks. - avoid obstacles, initiate attack.
* Moving modular ship.
* Save feature for player flocks.
* Added formation feature
* Polished ship movement and movement controllers
* Friendly fighters construction
* +3359, -958, no memory leak.
#### 2014-09-11 Marks
* Engine
* Added mark render object render pass
* Game
* Added custom render object - mark
* Added MarkManager which helps player to recognize small ships location and flock leaders.
* Improved Ship AI.
* +731, -31, +223(Design), No memory leak.
#### 2014-09-12 Crew information ui
* Game
* New CrewListUI
* Adding CrewInformation UI
* UI
* Enable/Disabling UIs
* Polished Vertical Scrollbar - represent total length of contents and current pos
* Scissor culling for scrolling elements
* Added NumericUpDown component.
* Progressbar color interpolation
* +1337 -120
#### 2014-09-14 UIs
* Game
* Removed crew classes.
* Defined stats and skills for crews.
* Crew Information UI
* Item List UI
* Ship List UI / Ship Information UI(working on)
* CrewGradeTable and ItemListTable added
* Save crews. ah need to save aboard information.
* UI
* Added Nemeric up/down ui events
* Added multi column featrue for list box.
* +2433, -277
Found is very useful for finding out military terms.
#### 2014-09-15 Again UIs
* Engine
* Changed ui render order. now, bottom to top order for alpha blended uis.
* NoMeshLoad command added.
* Game
* Dismantling ship.
* Assigning Crews
* UI polishing
* ManageUI
* CrewListUI
* ShipListUI
* ItemListUI
* CrewUI
* ShipUI
* UI
* Alpha blending
* Added title bar for windows.
* Added popup dialog
* Working on handling absolute/relative coordinates when resolution or the parent changed
* +1518, -513
#### 2014-09-16 Button design.
* Worked on UIs
* Renewed ui layout.
* Button designs
* Added ui atlas regions : ButtonFrame, Research, Manufacture, Iron24, Crystal24 and Human24.
* Polished explosion effect
* +404, -266, No memory leak. But some memories are deleted in the file from where the memory is not allocated.
#### 2014-09-17 Decorating windows border.
* Game
* Item Assignment
* Added UnlimitedItems command.
* Window ui design
* polished CrewListUI, CrewUI, ItemListUI, ManageUI, ManufactureSubUI,
NavigationUI, SpecialModulesUI and WaveUI.
* Wnd now can have 9 images to decorate its borders.(Added USE_WND_FRAME UIProperty)
* +475 -172
#### 2014-09-18 Added crew portraits
* Game
* Closing UIs by esc key sequentially with the visibility history.
* UI's common border design. - button, progressbar, etc.
* CrewListUI redesign.
* Added character portraits.
* UI
* Fixed scrolling bugs on Frame and Borders
* Fixed event handling bug - culled UIs don't process input events anymore.
* Common border rendering. resides in WinBase so every UIs now can have border images.
* +563, -141
#### 2014-09-19 Polishing ship/crew UIs
* Game
* Added UnlimitedResources GameCommand.
* Added exclusive visiblity concept for UIs
* Polising CrewUI/ItemListUI/ManageUI/ShipListUI/ShipUI/SpecialModulesUI
* Added ship portrait - Real time render targets.
* Now ships can have multiple crews on it.
* UI
* Fixed checkbox size bug
* Getting child of children.
* Fixed material parameter bugs for HexagonalContextMenu
* Fixed focus test ordering bug.
* Added SCISSOR_STOP_HERE property to select appropriate scissor rect for children
* +1362, -451
#### 2014-09-22 Collision Shapes
* Engine
* added feature for importing collision shapes - narrow phase collision check
* Game
* Added capacity UI to show ship, lieutenants and generals limits and current count.
* Polished Crew/Ship UI
* Giving unique id to the ship to distingtuish the same type of ships in the UI.
* Added resource Gold.
* Added capacity property to the ship cms.
* Stocking constucted ships in the cargo bay
* UI
* fixed bug that disabled uis was handling input evnets.
* Polished Numeric UpDown component
* Polished tooltip positioning - prevent culling by screen size.
* +1051, -130
#### 2014-09-23 Fleet Information UI
* Game
* Added Fleet UI.
* Introduced Population and Patrol concepts.
* Added System sub ui - Fleet, Item Option and Quit
* Added Ship launching exception conditions.
* UI
* Added drop-down UI Component.
* Added additional ordering option. UIProperty::SPECIAL_ORDER
* +1220, -28
#### 2014-09-24 DamageReport UI
* Engine
* Dynamic VertexBuffers for MeshObjects.
* RenderTarget camera handling codes
* Game
* Added DamageReportUI - Repair All / Repair Selected.
* Polished FleetUI
* UI
* Removing items from ListBox component.
* Added Header columns - UIProperty::LISTBOX_COL_HEADERS added.
* +1014 -144
#### 2014-09-25 Added patrol system
* Engine
* Added curve importer - for patrol path
* Game
* Added Patrol System.
* Improved ship movement.
* UI
* Moving windows by dragging titlebar.
* +979, -160
#### 2014-09-28 Target pos estimation
* Game
* Target position estimation for fighters and tracking weapons. - much more interesting battles.
* Skill redesigned. Now have 17 skills. - need to redesign crew ui also
* Displaying passengers in the ship ui list
* More data handling for saving and loading Game. - crews and flocks.
* Now initial start up game data also use the same game load mechanism.
* Polished game events such as OnShipCreated/OnShipDeleted
* ShipListUI now can remove ship cards when ships are removed.
* Linked Hull/Shield/Power gauges to actual data.
* Defined scenario-characters which are not random.
* Portrait for CommandModule.
* Added design doc : scenario.svg, skills.svg
* UI
* Fixed Card scroller position bug when the new position is assigned - related to pos offset
* +2101, -951, No memory leak.
#### 2014-09-29 new release!
fastbird engine 2014-Sep released!
You can download the source code at the repository :
#### 2014-09-29 Applying skills
* Engine
* Fixed RTT leak
* Game
* Damage calculation considering skill points of crews on booard.
* Consuming power when firing weapons.
* UI
* Fixed a dropdown lists is not disappear when another is open.
* +268, -89
#### 2014-09-30 Lock free queue
* Engine
* Added LockFreeQueue.
* Game
* Added game commands - Resurrection and Invincible.
* Crew ordering
* Fixed a bug some ships doesn't have bounding boxes.
* Designing research items and its hierarchy
* fixed loading bugs
* Polished ship movement - fixed some cases ships are circled the target forever.
* happened when the ship's weapon target is different with ship's target.
* +545, -288, No memory leak.
#### 2014-09-01 UIs
* Game
* Outline rendering for modular ship.
* worked on Resource UI.
* Displying wave time.
* Added KillAll and SetWaveTime commands.
* UI
* Button+ProgressBar UI, Blinking at the completion.
* Added TextColor and Backcolor interpolation to UIAnimation.
* Now UI component can have multiple UIAnimation instances.
* Added Tooltip UI
* Fixed font vertical alignment bug
* +1298 -164
#### 2014-09-02 Laser
* Engine
* Particle UV Flow, Length control, aligning velocity to the emitter direction
* Game
* Added bomber, frigate and their movement controller.
* added laser effect
* adeed frigate explosion effect
* delayed destruction of ships.
* Ammo reloading.
* Densign document- spreading contents through the time and space.
* +1138 -136 +1279(design)
#### 2014-09-03 Missile Cruiser
* Engine
* ParticleEmitter now can emit geometries
* Particle color interpolation
* inter-frame particle position interpolation for fast moving emitters
* Game
* Weapon Debug command added.
* Added missile cruiser and its movement controller.
* fixed Yaw-Pitch weaopn's tracking bugs
* Added 11_cruiser_missile.particle, 12_big_explosion.particle and 13_missile_explosion.particle
* +1197 -241
![]() |
You have inbound missiles! |
#### 2014-09-04 Manufacture
* Game
* Manufacturing modules - consuming resources.
* Added FastConstruction command.
* Tooltips for objects in the world.
* UI
* Polishing embeded progress bar.
* Added NO_MOUSE_EVENT property.
* Now can input minus value for position. (then the final pos is ScreenWidth+(minus value))
* offsetting. useful for the situation when you want to offset npos(like 0.5f) by pixelpos(like 100px).
* +1387 -168, no memory leak.
#### 2014-09-05 Screenshots
![]() |
close shot of the modular ship. |
![]() |
missile cruisers. |
![]() |
laser frigates. |
![]() |
Many flaks. |
#### 2014-09-10 anamorphic lens flare, multiple flocks
* Engine
* Anamorphic Lens Flare
* Added engine commands: r_HDRMiddleGray, r_BloomPower, r_StarPower, r_UI
* Rewrote luminance calculation
* Added GaussianBlur5x5.hlsl, MergeTextures2PS.hlsl.
* Game
* Added flock manager. now can have multiple flocks.
* Interaction among flocks. - avoid obstacles, initiate attack.
* Moving modular ship.
* Save feature for player flocks.
* Added formation feature
* Polished ship movement and movement controllers
* Friendly fighters construction
* +3359, -958, no memory leak.
![]() |
added anamorphic lens flare. |
#### 2014-09-11 Marks
* Engine
* Added mark render object render pass
* Game
* Added custom render object - mark
* Added MarkManager which helps player to recognize small ships location and flock leaders.
* Improved Ship AI.
* +731, -31, +223(Design), No memory leak.
#### 2014-09-12 Crew information ui
* Game
* New CrewListUI
* Adding CrewInformation UI
* UI
* Enable/Disabling UIs
* Polished Vertical Scrollbar - represent total length of contents and current pos
* Scissor culling for scrolling elements
* Added NumericUpDown component.
* Progressbar color interpolation
* +1337 -120
#### 2014-09-14 UIs
* Game
* Removed crew classes.
* Defined stats and skills for crews.
* Crew Information UI
* Item List UI
* Ship List UI / Ship Information UI(working on)
* CrewGradeTable and ItemListTable added
* Save crews. ah need to save aboard information.
* UI
* Added Nemeric up/down ui events
* Added multi column featrue for list box.
* +2433, -277
Found is very useful for finding out military terms.
#### 2014-09-15 Again UIs
* Engine
* Changed ui render order. now, bottom to top order for alpha blended uis.
* NoMeshLoad command added.
* Game
* Dismantling ship.
* Assigning Crews
* UI polishing
* ManageUI
* CrewListUI
* ShipListUI
* ItemListUI
* CrewUI
* ShipUI
* UI
* Alpha blending
* Added title bar for windows.
* Added popup dialog
* Working on handling absolute/relative coordinates when resolution or the parent changed
* +1518, -513
#### 2014-09-16 Button design.
* Worked on UIs
* Renewed ui layout.
* Button designs
* Added ui atlas regions : ButtonFrame, Research, Manufacture, Iron24, Crystal24 and Human24.
* Polished explosion effect
* +404, -266, No memory leak. But some memories are deleted in the file from where the memory is not allocated.
#### 2014-09-17 Decorating windows border.
* Game
* Item Assignment
* Added UnlimitedItems command.
* Window ui design
* polished CrewListUI, CrewUI, ItemListUI, ManageUI, ManufactureSubUI,
NavigationUI, SpecialModulesUI and WaveUI.
* Wnd now can have 9 images to decorate its borders.(Added USE_WND_FRAME UIProperty)
* +475 -172
#### 2014-09-18 Added crew portraits
* Game
* Closing UIs by esc key sequentially with the visibility history.
* UI's common border design. - button, progressbar, etc.
* CrewListUI redesign.
* Added character portraits.
* UI
* Fixed scrolling bugs on Frame and Borders
* Fixed event handling bug - culled UIs don't process input events anymore.
* Common border rendering. resides in WinBase so every UIs now can have border images.
* +563, -141
#### 2014-09-19 Polishing ship/crew UIs
* Game
* Added UnlimitedResources GameCommand.
* Added exclusive visiblity concept for UIs
* Polising CrewUI/ItemListUI/ManageUI/ShipListUI/ShipUI/SpecialModulesUI
* Added ship portrait - Real time render targets.
* Now ships can have multiple crews on it.
* UI
* Fixed checkbox size bug
* Getting child of children.
* Fixed material parameter bugs for HexagonalContextMenu
* Fixed focus test ordering bug.
* Added SCISSOR_STOP_HERE property to select appropriate scissor rect for children
* +1362, -451
#### 2014-09-22 Collision Shapes
* Engine
* added feature for importing collision shapes - narrow phase collision check
![]() |
Collision shapes are defined in Blender and will be imported into the engine. Currently only using for ray collision tests. Need to add obb/obb, obb/sphere collision test algorithm. |
* Game
* Added capacity UI to show ship, lieutenants and generals limits and current count.
* Polished Crew/Ship UI
* Giving unique id to the ship to distingtuish the same type of ships in the UI.
* Added resource Gold.
* Added capacity property to the ship cms.
* Stocking constucted ships in the cargo bay
* UI
* fixed bug that disabled uis was handling input evnets.
* Polished Numeric UpDown component
* Polished tooltip positioning - prevent culling by screen size.
* +1051, -130
#### 2014-09-23 Fleet Information UI
* Game
* Added Fleet UI.
* Introduced Population and Patrol concepts.
* Added System sub ui - Fleet, Item Option and Quit
* Added Ship launching exception conditions.
* UI
* Added drop-down UI Component.
* Added additional ordering option. UIProperty::SPECIAL_ORDER
* +1220, -28
#### 2014-09-24 DamageReport UI
* Engine
* Dynamic VertexBuffers for MeshObjects.
* RenderTarget camera handling codes
* Game
* Added DamageReportUI - Repair All / Repair Selected.
* Polished FleetUI
* UI
* Removing items from ListBox component.
* Added Header columns - UIProperty::LISTBOX_COL_HEADERS added.
* +1014 -144
#### 2014-09-25 Added patrol system
* Engine
* Added curve importer - for patrol path
* Game
* Added Patrol System.
* Improved ship movement.
* UI
* Moving windows by dragging titlebar.
* +979, -160
#### 2014-09-28 Target pos estimation
* Game
* Target position estimation for fighters and tracking weapons. - much more interesting battles.
* Skill redesigned. Now have 17 skills. - need to redesign crew ui also
* Displaying passengers in the ship ui list
* More data handling for saving and loading Game. - crews and flocks.
* Now initial start up game data also use the same game load mechanism.
* Polished game events such as OnShipCreated/OnShipDeleted
* ShipListUI now can remove ship cards when ships are removed.
* Linked Hull/Shield/Power gauges to actual data.
* Defined scenario-characters which are not random.
* Portrait for CommandModule.
* Added design doc : scenario.svg, skills.svg
* UI
* Fixed Card scroller position bug when the new position is assigned - related to pos offset
* +2101, -951, No memory leak.
#### 2014-09-29 new release!
fastbird engine 2014-Sep released!
You can download the source code at the repository :
#### 2014-09-29 Applying skills
* Engine
* Fixed RTT leak
* Game
* Damage calculation considering skill points of crews on booard.
* Consuming power when firing weapons.
* UI
* Fixed a dropdown lists is not disappear when another is open.
* +268, -89
#### 2014-09-30 Lock free queue
* Engine
* Added LockFreeQueue.
* Game
* Added game commands - Resurrection and Invincible.
* Crew ordering
* Fixed a bug some ships doesn't have bounding boxes.
* Designing research items and its hierarchy
* fixed loading bugs
* Polished ship movement - fixed some cases ships are circled the target forever.
* happened when the ship's weapon target is different with ship's target.
* +545, -288, No memory leak.
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