Fastbird Engine Monthly Log 2014. 8.
### August 2014
#### 2014-08-01 Armed modules
* Engine
* Added memory manager(alloc/dealloc tracker)
* Clean file watcher
* removed msvcp100.dll(vs2010) dependencies. - recompile relevant libraries with vs2013.
* Game
* added camera event listener
* Interactive context menu for modules
* Attaching weapons to modules via context menu.
* Deleted weapon type. part type will replace it.
* +1212, -353, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-02 Space Environment.
* Engine
* Added Perlin Noise
* Added C# editor for testing perlin noise(using c++/cli)
* Fixed particle emitter culling bug.
* Fixed file change monitor which was not working sometimes.
* Added particle profiler
* +613, -80, No memory leak
#### 2014-08-04 muzzle flash.
* Engine
* Support rendering transparent objects
* Support directional particles.(aligning)
* uv animation texture generator.
* Game
* added muzzle flash.
* +799, -214, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-04 Procedural planet rendering
* Added procedural planet rendering
* Working on 3d noise for space cloud.
* +1416, -87, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-05 Space station
* Engine
* Moving Driectional light
* Fixed bugs on shader & material hot-reloading.
* fixed reflection bug.
* fixed perlin noise's noise.
* Game
* Changed wavedata format.
* DevMode quick movement.
* Adding spot manager
* SpaceRing, Planet control via xml.
* Added space station.
* +909, -208, memory leak occured today. let's get it tomorrow before starting any coding.
#### 2014-08-06 Random Spot Generation
* Engine
* Mesh highlighting when mouse hovers.
* Hexagonal edge rendering
* Game
* Added spot manager - Random spot generation.
* Ship highlighting.
* Improved mouse interaction. - ui and camera
* Added StationContextUI
* Transfering civiians from the station to the modular ship. - conceptional.
* Fixed shaking roll rotation of ships.
* +1143, -481, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-07 Crew Employment
* Improved Hexagonal UI visual.
* Adding Crew class.
* Adding CrewListUI.
* Added crewtype, names tables.
* +1324, -92, No memory leak.
#### 2014-08-08 Crew - continue...
* Engine
* AlphaBlending for UIObjects & font. (Font is more beautiful now.)
* Fixed system messages display time.
* removed unnecessary fonts.
* Game
* Added a feature for recruiting crews.
* added crew list ui.
* Adding a feature for assigning crews to modules.
* UI
* Scrolling card scroller.
* now every container can scroll its content.
* +967, -122, No memory leak.
#### 2014-08-9 HDR rendering
* Engine
* Clean exit. - all d3d device child's reference counters are zero.
* Adding HDR rendering. - Downsampling intruduced NaN values into the framebuffer. Some lighting operations had divide 0 errors. fixed.
* Hot reloading for shaders that are not binded to materials.
* Shader seperation, now can bind only necessary shader(eg ps, vs, gs...)
* +1273, -186, ...
#### 2014-08-10 GodRays & HDR with MSAA
* Engine
* Added GodRays
* fixed HDR artifacts. - accumulating luminance to prevent flickering brightness while rotating the camera.
* Support MSAA with HDR.
* +682, -169, No memory leak.
#### 2014-08-11 Starmap transition
* Starmap transition.
* +415, -50, D3D object leak.
#### 2014-08-12 World Manager
* Added world manager
* Starmap rendering
* Adding Starmap UI
* +1864, -466, ...
#### 2014-08-13 Jump
* Game
* Moved world manager to GameCommon proj.
* Marked star and planet names and current location on the star map.
* Jumping to other planets.
* Added jump sequence UI
* Added jump tunnel effect.
* UI
* Added UIAnimation
* Added VerticalGauge UI
* +1664, -352, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-14 Adding universe map
* Engine
* Interpolation of light properties
* Interpolation of Sky properties
* Run-time changable shader defines.
* Game
* Polishing star map.
* Adding universe map.
* Transitioning : play <-> star map <-> universe map
* Dust enabling/disabling
* Delayed UI loading. - fast star up time. but sudden stops while playing due to the loading.
* three times faster jump coordinates calculation for visited spots.
* +1370, -179, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-15 Interstellar / interplanetary travel.
* Engine
* Changed the method blening SkySphere - now actually blending two SkySphere instances.
* Added a parameter to the SetMaterial() method, to specify relevant rendering pass.
* Sky Sphere materials now need to be setup outside of engine.
* Game
* Added universe map.
* Polishing interstellar / interplanetary travel.
* indicating actual jump travel time at the jump sequence ui.
* +973, -300, d3d objects leak.
#### 2014-08-16 designing modules.
* jump polished.
* designing module textures
* +319, -145, ...
#### 2014-08-17 New module designs.
* New module textures.
* Floating Point Model to Fast.
* Added module texture packer
* Save/Load modular ship.
* Moved construction input handler to UI class.
* Handling code for special modules - research / manufacture modules.
* +954, -167, d3d object leak.
#### 2014-08-18 Multi threaded update
* Engine
* Enable D3D Thread Pump - faster start up.
* Added hot reloading for textures.
* Multithreaded texture pakcer - 4 threads for diffuse, metalic, roughness and normal maps.
* Fixed a problem - modified file notifications issued twice.
* Fixed tangent generation for meshes with index buffer.
* Critical section for the console logging.
* Critical section for particle active list.
* Fixed normal calculation bug in the shader.
* Game
* Multithreaded update for modular ships.
* fixed a crash when the player jump to another planet while in combat situation.
* Now, modules glow only when activated.
* Now fighter meshes use index buffer, but the number of vertices not decreased a lot.
* Critical section for Ammo list.
* Critical section for Targeter list.
* added the second fighter model.
* re-created serveral module textures.
* +1064, -521, d3d object leak.
added multi-threaded update. Needed to add serveral critical section guards. - for particles, ammos, targeters.
Not tested heavy situation yet, but it is slower than single-threaded update in debug mode.
in release mode, both was the same in 60 frames. need to test heavy situation later.
#### 2014-08-19 Task Scheduler
* Engine
* Rewrite most part of task scheduler, worker thread, asyncObjects - using c++11
* fixed dead-lock in TaskScheduler
* Worker thread number changed fomr 8 to 6
* Stopping particle emitter immediately.
* Hot reload .particles
* Game
* Applying damage
* Improved flock simulation for enemy ships.
* Ammo effect texture.
* +1338, -746
#### 2014-08-20 battle
* Engine
* Added in-game particle editing.
* Added camera overiding.
* Fixed AABB culling bug.
* Support particle color.
* Added serveral particle blending options. - Replace, Additive, InvColorBlend
* Stretchable particles. - dependent to emitters movement speed.
* Game
* Setting bullet direction
* Load initial game console variables from lua. -NoSpawn, MTUpdate added
* Attached fire effect(muzzle flash) to ships.
* Controlling Ship's engine output level to vary the enemey movement speed.
* Added particles - 3:cannonBullet, 4:aagunBullet, 5:cannon1Muzzleflash
* +1117, -241
#### 2014-08-21 Screen Glow
* Engine
* Added glow screen effect
* Added file change notifier to the game.
* Particle blend mode rewrote - Additive, AlphaBlend, InvColorBlend, Replace
* Game
* Database reloading
* Added the run command which runs a series of console commands.
* Added hit_bullet.particle, explosion.particle
* +759, -188, leaks exist.
#### 2014-08-22 the 2nd tier weapon.
* All memory leaks, d3d object leak problems are solved - some are multi-threading problem, and some are static related. Do not use SmartPtr for static variables, no use.
* Engine
* Particle Emitters are not registered to the scene anymore. - only particle render objects are.
* Game
* Rewrote WeaponManager and Weapon. WeaponManagerClient is deleted. - only visual related codes(Mesh, Particles) are in the client.
* Added context menu for parts.
* All database tables are now atomic pointers. - this is required since tables are loaded on demand rather than initial time.
* Cleaned ModuleType, PartType and WeaponType enumerations and relations.
* Added the second tier of the weapon class cannon.
* +2319, -633, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-25 Volumetric fog rendering.
I tried two types of volumetric Fog rendering.
* Billboard particle fog
* Mesh volume fog
The first one is implemented referencing this page :
It looks good, but hard to control the cloud shape and fillrate was too high to get descent visual since I wanted to fill the cloud wide space.
The second method implemented referencing this page :
It looks easy to implement at the first sight but it was tricky due to the alpha blending and depth culling. Especially when the volumes partially in the view frustum - like culled at the far plane or near plane - and when the serveral volumes are intersected, and lastly when the volume shape is not convex. The final visual is a little bit boaring since it doesn't have color variation. But it is good for random generation and the performance is good.
* Engine
* Volumetric Cloud - Volume mesh method and Billboard particle method.
* Added depth pass.
* Material can have sub-materials
* +4295, -809, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-27 memory manager
* custom new/delete for memory manager
* matching every memory allocation/deallocation pair in the same dll and cpp file.
* New explosion effect
* added pre multiplied alpha mode for particle blending.
* upgrading weapon parts.
* +1968, -1134, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-28 UI hot reloading
* Now UIs are loaded from a file. Hot-reloading supported.
* Following ui properties are added
* Following UIs are added to the game
* ActionUI
* FlockCommandUI
* NavigationUI
* ResourceUI
* SpecialModulesUI
* WaveUI
* + 1771, -265, No memory leak. - need to fix crash when exit. modular ship deleted two times in the battle and while exiting.
#### 2014-08-29 fastbird-engine 2014-AUG released!
fastbird-engine 2014-AUG released :
* Engine
* HDR rendering - bright pass and tone mapping
* Godrays rendering - occlusion pre pass
* Glow rendering
* Volumetic Cloud / fog rendering
* Added seperated depth pass
* Sky/Light interpolation
* Mesh highlighting.
* Independent use of shaders from materials
* Materials now can have sub-materials for sub passes.
* rewrote threading codes - Threads, SyncObjects, CriticalSections, Tasks and Scheduler
* Improved the memory manager - now using FB_NEW/FB_DELETE for memory alloc/deallocation.
* all memory alloc/dealloc pairs happen in the same module(every case) and the same cpp(the most case) file.
* Improved ParticleSystem
* Added perlin noise function
* Added editor project - currently have the feature packing uv textures, generating perlin noise textures.
* Fixed index buffer bug on collada importer
* UI
* UI alphablending
* Added hexagonal context ui
* Added vertical gauge
* UI canbe defined in the file - supporting hot reloading.
* Documents
* Material How-to :
* (한국어)
* Particle How-to:
* (한국어)
* Sorting UIs for alphablending
* Now button ui can have images in it.
* Button background images and boundary color.
* +325, -154
#### 2014-08-30 Shadow map
* introduced shadow map.
* fixed submaterial bugs.
* using fullscreen triangle instead of fullscreen quad.
* +613, -466
#### 2014-08-31 Depth Outline
* SamplerStates are now independent to textures.
* Depth Outline rendering. -
* + 608, -316
#### 2014-08-01 Armed modules
* Engine
* Added memory manager(alloc/dealloc tracker)
* Clean file watcher
* removed msvcp100.dll(vs2010) dependencies. - recompile relevant libraries with vs2013.
* Game
* added camera event listener
* Interactive context menu for modules
* Attaching weapons to modules via context menu.
* Deleted weapon type. part type will replace it.
* +1212, -353, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-02 Space Environment.
* Engine
* Added Perlin Noise
* Added C# editor for testing perlin noise(using c++/cli)
* Fixed particle emitter culling bug.
* Fixed file change monitor which was not working sometimes.
* Added particle profiler
* +613, -80, No memory leak
![]() |
Added noise generator - using c++/cli and C# |
![]() |
new space environment. using a lot of gpu processing power but still running 60 fps on debug mode(with flock simulation).
Demo movie showing new space environment.
#### 2014-08-04 muzzle flash.
* Engine
* Support rendering transparent objects
* Support directional particles.(aligning)
* uv animation texture generator.
* Game
* added muzzle flash.
* +799, -214, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-04 Procedural planet rendering
* Added procedural planet rendering
* Working on 3d noise for space cloud.
* +1416, -87, no memory leak.
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Procedural planet rendering. This planet consists of ocean, desert, greenland, magma and clouds.
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Shading planet. |
#### 2014-08-05 Space station
* Engine
* Moving Driectional light
* Fixed bugs on shader & material hot-reloading.
* fixed reflection bug.
* fixed perlin noise's noise.
* Game
* Changed wavedata format.
* DevMode quick movement.
* Adding spot manager
* SpaceRing, Planet control via xml.
* Added space station.
* +909, -208, memory leak occured today. let's get it tomorrow before starting any coding.
#### 2014-08-06 Random Spot Generation
* Engine
* Mesh highlighting when mouse hovers.
* Hexagonal edge rendering
* Game
* Added spot manager - Random spot generation.
* Ship highlighting.
* Improved mouse interaction. - ui and camera
* Added StationContextUI
* Transfering civiians from the station to the modular ship. - conceptional.
* Fixed shaking roll rotation of ships.
* +1143, -481, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-07 Crew Employment
* Improved Hexagonal UI visual.
* Adding Crew class.
* Adding CrewListUI.
* Added crewtype, names tables.
* +1324, -92, No memory leak.
#### 2014-08-08 Crew - continue...
* Engine
* AlphaBlending for UIObjects & font. (Font is more beautiful now.)
* Fixed system messages display time.
* removed unnecessary fonts.
* Game
* Added a feature for recruiting crews.
* added crew list ui.
* Adding a feature for assigning crews to modules.
* UI
* Scrolling card scroller.
* now every container can scroll its content.
* +967, -122, No memory leak.
#### 2014-08-9 HDR rendering
* Engine
* Clean exit. - all d3d device child's reference counters are zero.
* Adding HDR rendering. - Downsampling intruduced NaN values into the framebuffer. Some lighting operations had divide 0 errors. fixed.
* Hot reloading for shaders that are not binded to materials.
* Shader seperation, now can bind only necessary shader(eg ps, vs, gs...)
* +1273, -186, ...
#### 2014-08-10 GodRays & HDR with MSAA
* Engine
* Added GodRays
* fixed HDR artifacts. - accumulating luminance to prevent flickering brightness while rotating the camera.
* Support MSAA with HDR.
* +682, -169, No memory leak.
![]() |
HDR off |
![]() |
HDR+Bloom on |
![]() |
God rays |
![]() |
God rays |
#### 2014-08-11 Starmap transition
* Starmap transition.
* +415, -50, D3D object leak.
#### 2014-08-12 World Manager
* Added world manager
* Starmap rendering
* Adding Starmap UI
* +1864, -466, ...
#### 2014-08-13 Jump
* Game
* Moved world manager to GameCommon proj.
* Marked star and planet names and current location on the star map.
* Jumping to other planets.
* Added jump sequence UI
* Added jump tunnel effect.
* UI
* Added UIAnimation
* Added VerticalGauge UI
* +1664, -352, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-14 Adding universe map
* Engine
* Interpolation of light properties
* Interpolation of Sky properties
* Run-time changable shader defines.
* Game
* Polishing star map.
* Adding universe map.
* Transitioning : play <-> star map <-> universe map
* Dust enabling/disabling
* Delayed UI loading. - fast star up time. but sudden stops while playing due to the loading.
* three times faster jump coordinates calculation for visited spots.
* +1370, -179, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-15 Interstellar / interplanetary travel.
* Engine
* Changed the method blening SkySphere - now actually blending two SkySphere instances.
* Added a parameter to the SetMaterial() method, to specify relevant rendering pass.
* Sky Sphere materials now need to be setup outside of engine.
* Game
* Added universe map.
* Polishing interstellar / interplanetary travel.
* indicating actual jump travel time at the jump sequence ui.
* +973, -300, d3d objects leak.
#### 2014-08-16 designing modules.
* jump polished.
* designing module textures
* +319, -145, ...
#### 2014-08-17 New module designs.
* New module textures.
* Floating Point Model to Fast.
* Added module texture packer
* Save/Load modular ship.
* Moved construction input handler to UI class.
* Handling code for special modules - research / manufacture modules.
* +954, -167, d3d object leak.
#### 2014-08-18 Multi threaded update
* Engine
* Enable D3D Thread Pump - faster start up.
* Added hot reloading for textures.
* Multithreaded texture pakcer - 4 threads for diffuse, metalic, roughness and normal maps.
* Fixed a problem - modified file notifications issued twice.
* Fixed tangent generation for meshes with index buffer.
* Critical section for the console logging.
* Critical section for particle active list.
* Fixed normal calculation bug in the shader.
* Game
* Multithreaded update for modular ships.
* fixed a crash when the player jump to another planet while in combat situation.
* Now, modules glow only when activated.
* Now fighter meshes use index buffer, but the number of vertices not decreased a lot.
* Critical section for Ammo list.
* Critical section for Targeter list.
* added the second fighter model.
* re-created serveral module textures.
* +1064, -521, d3d object leak.
added multi-threaded update. Needed to add serveral critical section guards. - for particles, ammos, targeters.
Not tested heavy situation yet, but it is slower than single-threaded update in debug mode.
in release mode, both was the same in 60 frames. need to test heavy situation later.
#### 2014-08-19 Task Scheduler
* Engine
* Rewrite most part of task scheduler, worker thread, asyncObjects - using c++11
* fixed dead-lock in TaskScheduler
* Worker thread number changed fomr 8 to 6
* Stopping particle emitter immediately.
* Hot reload .particles
* Game
* Applying damage
* Improved flock simulation for enemy ships.
* Ammo effect texture.
* +1338, -746
#### 2014-08-20 battle
* Engine
* Added in-game particle editing.
* Added camera overiding.
* Fixed AABB culling bug.
* Support particle color.
* Added serveral particle blending options. - Replace, Additive, InvColorBlend
* Stretchable particles. - dependent to emitters movement speed.
* Game
* Setting bullet direction
* Load initial game console variables from lua. -NoSpawn, MTUpdate added
* Attached fire effect(muzzle flash) to ships.
* Controlling Ship's engine output level to vary the enemey movement speed.
* Added particles - 3:cannonBullet, 4:aagunBullet, 5:cannon1Muzzleflash
* +1117, -241
![]() |
Enemy flock attacking the modular ship. |
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Enemy fighters attacking the modular ship. Weapons attached to combat moudles are also firing back to the enemy to protect the modular ship and civilians in it. |
#### 2014-08-21 Screen Glow
* Engine
* Added glow screen effect
* Added file change notifier to the game.
* Particle blend mode rewrote - Additive, AlphaBlend, InvColorBlend, Replace
* Game
* Database reloading
* Added the run command which runs a series of console commands.
* Added hit_bullet.particle, explosion.particle
![]() |
Added Screen Glow. Muzzle flashes and bullet trails now glowing. Need to expand to mesh objects. |
* +759, -188, leaks exist.
#### 2014-08-22 the 2nd tier weapon.
* All memory leaks, d3d object leak problems are solved - some are multi-threading problem, and some are static related. Do not use SmartPtr for static variables, no use.
* Engine
* Particle Emitters are not registered to the scene anymore. - only particle render objects are.
* Game
* Rewrote WeaponManager and Weapon. WeaponManagerClient is deleted. - only visual related codes(Mesh, Particles) are in the client.
* Added context menu for parts.
* All database tables are now atomic pointers. - this is required since tables are loaded on demand rather than initial time.
* Cleaned ModuleType, PartType and WeaponType enumerations and relations.
* Added the second tier of the weapon class cannon.
* +2319, -633, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-25 Volumetric fog rendering.
I tried two types of volumetric Fog rendering.
* Billboard particle fog
* Mesh volume fog
The first one is implemented referencing this page :
It looks good, but hard to control the cloud shape and fillrate was too high to get descent visual since I wanted to fill the cloud wide space.
The second method implemented referencing this page :
It looks easy to implement at the first sight but it was tricky due to the alpha blending and depth culling. Especially when the volumes partially in the view frustum - like culled at the far plane or near plane - and when the serveral volumes are intersected, and lastly when the volume shape is not convex. The final visual is a little bit boaring since it doesn't have color variation. But it is good for random generation and the performance is good.
![]() |
try rendering. can find serveral black narrow spots due to wrong depth stencil setting. |
![]() |
Culling problem. Can see serveral sudden empty space due to culled volume shpaes by far plane. |
![]() |
try to support intersections - work was in progress. |
![]() |
Random fog generation1 |
![]() |
Random fog generation2. |
* Engine
* Volumetric Cloud - Volume mesh method and Billboard particle method.
* Added depth pass.
* Material can have sub-materials
* +4295, -809, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-27 memory manager
* custom new/delete for memory manager
* matching every memory allocation/deallocation pair in the same dll and cpp file.
* New explosion effect
* added pre multiplied alpha mode for particle blending.
* upgrading weapon parts.
* +1968, -1134, no memory leak.
#### 2014-08-28 UI hot reloading
* Now UIs are loaded from a file. Hot-reloading supported.
* Following ui properties are added
* Following UIs are added to the game
* ActionUI
* FlockCommandUI
* NavigationUI
* ResourceUI
* SpecialModulesUI
* WaveUI
* + 1771, -265, No memory leak. - need to fix crash when exit. modular ship deleted two times in the battle and while exiting.
#### 2014-08-29 fastbird-engine 2014-AUG released!
fastbird-engine 2014-AUG released :
* Engine
* HDR rendering - bright pass and tone mapping
* Godrays rendering - occlusion pre pass
* Glow rendering
* Volumetic Cloud / fog rendering
* Added seperated depth pass
* Sky/Light interpolation
* Mesh highlighting.
* Independent use of shaders from materials
* Materials now can have sub-materials for sub passes.
* rewrote threading codes - Threads, SyncObjects, CriticalSections, Tasks and Scheduler
* Improved the memory manager - now using FB_NEW/FB_DELETE for memory alloc/deallocation.
* all memory alloc/dealloc pairs happen in the same module(every case) and the same cpp(the most case) file.
* Improved ParticleSystem
* Added perlin noise function
* Added editor project - currently have the feature packing uv textures, generating perlin noise textures.
* Fixed index buffer bug on collada importer
* UI
* UI alphablending
* Added hexagonal context ui
* Added vertical gauge
* UI canbe defined in the file - supporting hot reloading.
* Documents
* Material How-to :
* (한국어)
* Particle How-to:
* (한국어)
* Sorting UIs for alphablending
* Now button ui can have images in it.
* Button background images and boundary color.
* +325, -154
#### 2014-08-30 Shadow map
* introduced shadow map.
* fixed submaterial bugs.
* using fullscreen triangle instead of fullscreen quad.
* +613, -466
#### 2014-08-31 Depth Outline
* SamplerStates are now independent to textures.
* Depth Outline rendering. -
* + 608, -316
![]() |
Depth Outline. |
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