Fastbird Engine Monthly Log 2014. 6.
### June 2014
#### 2014-06-05
* The matter faster than light. : neutrino. => not true. can create neutrino laser cannon. invisible long range. neutrino is not reactant to light.
* dark matter: dark matter constitue 84.5% of the total matter in the universe. Tt could be the unlimited energy source.
* massive compact halo object (MACHO) : invisible planets which contains a lot of resources. Hard to find. if player found, he will get many parts.
* gravitational lensing: Huge gravity can make lights bending. can interfere enemy sight.
#### 2014-06-15
* Drama
* Escape or love.
* Betrayal and belief
* military academy for fighers
#### 2014-06-23 Cross platform libraries
* : A library for creating cross platform games using C#.
* : Libgdx is a Java game development framework that provides a unified API that works across all supported platforms
#### 2014-06-24 tinydir
* : Wrapper for handling file and directory. I like this one. very simple and neat.
#### 2014-06-25 tools
* Substance Designer : material layering tool.
* Substance Painter : 3d painting app to create textures. has texturepack.
* Substance YEBIS : YEBIS 2 is a multi-platform postprocess-effect library that can be easily integrated into any already existing rendering engine.
#### 2014-06-27 dae importer and voxelizer ui
#### 2014-06-05
* The matter faster than light. : neutrino. => not true. can create neutrino laser cannon. invisible long range. neutrino is not reactant to light.
* dark matter: dark matter constitue 84.5% of the total matter in the universe. Tt could be the unlimited energy source.
* massive compact halo object (MACHO) : invisible planets which contains a lot of resources. Hard to find. if player found, he will get many parts.
* gravitational lensing: Huge gravity can make lights bending. can interfere enemy sight.
#### 2014-06-15
* Drama
* Escape or love.
* Betrayal and belief
* military academy for fighers
#### 2014-06-23 Cross platform libraries
* : A library for creating cross platform games using C#.
* : Libgdx is a Java game development framework that provides a unified API that works across all supported platforms
#### 2014-06-24 tinydir
* : Wrapper for handling file and directory. I like this one. very simple and neat.
#### 2014-06-25 tools
* Substance Designer : material layering tool.
* Substance Painter : 3d painting app to create textures. has texturepack.
* Substance YEBIS : YEBIS 2 is a multi-platform postprocess-effect library that can be easily integrated into any already existing rendering engine.
#### 2014-06-27 dae importer and voxelizer ui
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